phone: 1 877-374-7336 1-888-817-7753
Missassauga, ON
DR. GREEN logo

Dr. Green Services is proud to be celebrating our 26th anniversary this year and we would like to thank each and every customer that has made this possible. We know that you have options and we thank you for choosing Dr. Green as your lawn care provider. As a family owned and operated business, we are very fortunate to have the support of our loyal customers.

As we look forward to this year we are very excited about some important improvements we have made to our treatment plans. In an effort to provide our customers with a thicker, greener lawn, and fewer weeds than last year we changed our weed control method and added an extra visit to each of our programs. We are now going be using an improved liquid product which has been tested and that we know works well. Additional visits, combined with these new methods that will allow us to have better coverage of your weeds and will result in better results.

Fertilizing your grass on a regular basis is important to the health of your lawn.  Your grass is a living ecosystem and it needs to be fed.  Dr. Green uses a specially formatted premium fertilizer.  Here’s what it will do:

  • The nitrogen content in our fertilizer allows the lawn to green up while the potassium component assists in the strengthening of the lawn’s root system.  A healthy and established root system will allow for strong turf that will naturally crowd out weeds and crabgrass while increasing the lawn’s resistance to insect infestations and turf diseases. Our fertilizer will supply all of the nutrients needed for the development of a thick and healthy lawn.
  • Our fertilizer is designed to release slowly and as a result will continuously feed the lawn for up to 5 weeks, without any risk of burning.
  • Many store bought fertilizers are a quick release meaning your lawn looks great for two weeks and then it is starving for more nutrients. Our fertilizers are meant to last!