Mr. Spyros Peter Goudas gives substantial support to senior citizens homes, community housing sites (for various ethnic nationalities), Philanthropic Associations, charitable organizations, cultural organizations, scholarships events, Philoptochos Society's organizations, orphanage housing, numerous institutions, organisations, associations, disaster relief efforts, food banks and churches irrespective of its members affiliations, colour, ethnic background, race or religious persuasion. 

His association with this Article is no different from his association with various other foundations, charities, and organizations and as such must not be interpreted as a specific inclination towards this religious belief system. 

Should you view the letters of appreciation on Mr. Spyros Peter Goudas website you will find evidence of his involvement with various religious and non-religious organizations, provided you have enough time to read them.   



A woman loses the debate with a Muslim women



Beautiful Islamic Call To Prayer

Mr. Spyros Peter Goudas gives substantial support to senior citizens homes, community housing sites (for various ethnic nationalities), Philanthropic Associations, charitable organizations, cultural organizations, scholarships events, Philoptochos Society's organizations, orphanage housing, numerous institutions, organisations, associations, disaster relief efforts, food banks and churches irrespective of its members affiliations, colour, ethnic background, race or religious persuasion.   His association with this Article is no different from his association with various other foundations, charities and organisations and as such must not be interpreted as a specific inclination towards this religious belief system.   Should you view the letters of appreciation on Mr Spyros Peter Goudas website   you will find evidence of his involvement with various religious and non religious organisations, provided you have enough time to read them.

 Islamic Call to Prayer - Amazing Adhan by Edris Aslami

 The Suppressed & Hidden History of Islam

more than 69 Miracles of ISLAM, that none can Deny.

Islamic Call to Prayer (English translation-subtitles

The Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD!


Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Islam


The real truth behind Islam - Full Documentary

The Sacred City of Mecca: Have We Got It Wrong? 

The Sacred City presents compelling evidence that suggests the holy city of Mecca is in the wrong location and that the worlds 1.6 billion Muslims are praying in the direction of the wrong city. Compiling evidence from both historical sources and new technologies point to the correct location in this seismic, revelatory new film.