The Best Garden in the World
The video you are about to view is dedicated to garden lovers, individuals who are willing or attempting to create their own garden similar to this, bigger maybe, or even smaller.
We hope you gain some inspiration from this clip and enjoy the eleven minutes of touring one of the best gardens in the world. Just a reminder, this is not a national botanical garden, nor a flower company demonstration.
It is the work of one individual, who created this wonderful array of beauty all by herself.
To create a garden like this in milder climate conditions is obviously an easier task.
However, to create and maintain this treasure in Canada is somewhat difficult with the change in seasons.
From the beginning of Spring, and throughout the Summer it requires constant, daily nurturing.
In Autumn the life cycle of the flowers changes along with the colder weather, and in the Winter, snowflakes engulfs it all.
No words can describe the amount of effort required to upkeep such a wonderful garden.
Many hours, days, and weeks of loving care, raking, shoveling, and watering is needed to achieve such beauty.
Music by Sofia and Livia Papadhimitri
ANDONIS KALOGIANNIS SONGS Όμορφη μου, Κατερίνα, Αντώνης Καλογιάννης