DON PEDRO Mexican Restaurant

phone: 1770-242-1920


Don Pedro Mexican Restaurant

Don Pedro Family

It all started on September 2, 2001 in a lunch truck that we parked in front of what is Don Pedro Restaurant now. People would gather to order their lunch to eat in front of the lunch vehicle. On December 31 2001 we opened the facilities were we are located so the customers would walk in to eat. We were open to the public selling our famous .99 Cents Tacos. We were the first to introduce tacos for .99 cents it has been a tradition ever since (the lunch truck tradition) which was canceled by the county then.
Don Pedro invites everyone to our new location in Lilburn Ga. Please don`t forget our lunch truck tradition (the tacos from the lunch truck) that how we were called by our clients.
We now serve a great variety of typical Mexican dishes.
We appreciate the support from God and all of you. your preference in us has helped us to continue serving you and others.

Thank You For Choosing Don Pedro Restaurants

Todo comenzo en Septiembre 2, 2001 en una lonchera en el estacionamiento donde es conocido como Restaurante Don Pedro.

Las peronas ordenaban y comina frente a la lonchera. Poco despues se acondiciono el interior del restaurante para que las personas pasasen a comer adentro.
En Diciembre 31 2001 Don Pedro Abrio sus puertas al publico vendiendo sus famosos tacos de .99 centavos que continuan como una tradicion hasta el dia de hoy manteniendo la tradicion de tacos de lonchera que fueron cancelados por el condado de gwinnett.

El Restaurante Don Pedro los invita a su nueva localidad en la ciudad de Lilburn, Ga.
Desde luego no olviden el principio (los tacos del carrito) como le decian algunos clientes.
Contamos con una gran variedad de platos tipicos Mexicanos.

Apreciamos el apoyo de Dios y de todos ustedes por preferirnos. Es eso lo que ha hecho que continuemos sirviendoles.

Gracias por preferir a Don Pedro mexican Restaurants.