phone: (416) 462 - 1166
722 Pape Avenue Toronto On M4K 3S7


Bread baked with Garlic Oil (Baked in the oven, soft and delicious!)

Saganaki (Fried kefalotiri in a pan, served on fire, and the waiter saying “Opa”!

There is no translation for the word ‘opa’ in English, but you can shout along with the waiter no matter what!
The louder you shout, the better the taste!)

Taramosalata and some Melitzanosalata and Hummus (Served along with Kalamata olives, stripes of carrots, and celery. 
Take the stripes and dip.)

Mr. Goudas Salad (Romaine lettuce, very thin cut, small pieces of green onions, and fresh dill, dressed with extra virgin olive oil and vinegar. Ask Stella to prepare it!)

Kalamarakia – Squid (You can order it deep-fried, but we recommend grilled, cut in small pieces, and served with lots of fresh lemon.)

Mousaka (Don’t ask for the recipe because it is an ancient Greek secret! 

Made with eggplant, potatoes, mins-meat, spices and cream.) 

Lamb Chops (Medium grilled to be very soft, served with lemon. 

Preferably served with a little rice on the side; “obviously” the rice is Mr. Goudas!)

Red Snapper or Tsipoura or Barbouni (In case you don’t eat meat, you can substitute with this delicious fish.)

Home-Fried Potatoes (In slices, approximately ¼ inch thick.)

Baklava or Galaktoboureko (For desert, this is the best choice!)

Chamomile Tea(Or, if you’re brave enough, you can have a Greek Coffee!
The naturally occurring settlements at the bottom of the cup are not for drinking!) wishes you a wonderful evening!