Keeping it Real with Credit is a consumer advocate organization solely dedicated to providing resources and knowledge on consumer credit and financial advice.
We will also introduce you to industry experts who will go more in-depth on how credit plays an important role in our every day lives.
These experts align with the same mission and purpose as Keeping it Real: to provide the public with the tools necessary to become experts in their own financial decisions.
When You Are Sued By A Debt Collector
Dozens Of Viewers I watched the whole thing and I'm not even being sued or collected.
ISEE YOU 48 debt collectors disliked this video.
JamaicanSista ROBINSON God bless this lawyer! He has "moral-values!" May God continues to bless and keep you.
Travis Gill-Man I am going in alone Monday here in South Carolina. Thank you for educating me on a few things.
What Happens if I Ignore a Collection Lawsuit
Dtown I had a default judgment against me in 2004... I just received a notice today April 22, 2019, that they're going to start garnishing my wages... I have heard NOTHING of this since 2004 at all... wouldn't there be a statute of limits in that (state of Kansas)?
Why you should never pay Debt Collectors!
NEVER PAY COLLECTIONS - Paying Debt Collectors Doesn't Increase Your Credit Score & Doesn't Remove Collection Account from Credit Report.
antwizzle I wish I knew this before I paid.
Jenia Tim Very informative, thank you!
Master Sergeant This is probably the best seminar I have heard on debt collection.
Dealing with Collection Agencies in Canada
Mark Anthony Silverthorn, author of the e-book 'A How-to Guide for Dealing with Collection Agencies in Canada', explains what Canadians receiving collection calls can do when dealing with unprofessional and aggressive collection agencies, and when and how they can negotiate a debt settlement with a collection agency.
Debt Buyers with John Oliver
Sean M If you are in serious debt...and it's easy to become a debt collector...could you cheaply buy your own debt to collect and then never collect it????
jmbo72 3,255 debt collectors watched and hated this video lol
7 Horseshoes & A 4 Leaf Clover This episode is why John Oliver deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.
Russ Gallagher There's no reason to ever pay a debt collector. The original lender has already dinged your credit history and paying a 3rd party won't change that.
Mike Murdock Televangelist God will make your credit card debt go away
Michael Bovee I've decided it's time to set the record straight
Brian Reynolds Michael Bovee I want to thank you so much I just got a 19% settlement from $1,350 to $392 with C.O bank. thank you so much for your knowledge.
Dave Ramsey How To Settle Debt
Henry Cole The whole credit industry is corrupt. banks, Car loans, like doing business with the devil. Law should be to bring back payment books and regulate the whole industry.
Fresh Urb Never a reason to cry over money owed. There is no such thing as a debtors prison, all you can do is pay what you can, and if there is some overzealous debt collector being aggressive with you, remember YOUR control what you can do. They do not so you control all the leverage
How to Negotiate with Collector Over the Phone
M.U. G. Excellent information, thank you! I wish you practiced in California.
Divine Diva I received collections letters from two different companies regarding the same debt. I'd like to resolve, but how can I determine which one actually holds the debt?
martin Crespo the best way to negotiate with a bill collector is to "NOT NEGOTIATE AT ALL" not answer your phone, period
John Skiba Debt Settlement v. Bankruptcy?
reks bilini when I called 1 304 362-00-22 it took me a very short time to resolve my issues, the staff looked for a positive response whenever I called them. it was very unusual and bizarre in the beginning. they were so helpful and polite
Attorney Carl E. Person
Attorney Carl E. Person, who represents debtors in their dealings with banks and credit card companies as to foreclosures, credit card debt, and student loans, explains why and how an individual suffering from too much debt can substantially reduce or eliminate his/her credit card debt.
The procedure is started when the debt-ridden individual Stops Paying His/Her Credit Cards.
The person explains the steps that will take place, from the selection of cards not to pay, through dealing with abusive collection practices and ever-increasing settlement possibilities, and in some cases a necessary lawsuit, in which the debtors countersues the credit card company (or assignee of the debt) for abusive collection practices and punitive damages.
The person explains how a reduction of debt by 80% can be expected, and that the cost of defending a lawsuit by the credit card company (if it becomes necessary to do so) will be about $2,500 to $3,000.
The person also lists the possible defenses against the credit card company's lawsuit, and discovery efforts, which should encourage reasonable settlement.
Mike Murdock Televangelist God will make your credit card debt go away
George Carlin - Credit Card Purchases
InstTaxSolutionsLLC Given the amount of interest that credit card companies charge, there's no reason anyone should pay for small purchases with a credit card.
miketastic97 wow watching this and youtube shows a credit card advertisement
Here's what to do if you can't pay your credit card bills
70% of people with credit card debt can't pay off this year
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Why You Shouldn't Necessarily Pay Debt From a Collection
What To Do If A Bill Is Sent To A Collection Agency
5 Things Debt Collectors Are Forbidden to Do
Collection Calls - How to Stop Them
9 Ways to Turn the Tables on Debt Collectors
Can a Collection Agency Sue You in Canada?
How to tell the difference between a legitimate collector
7 Facts About Collections and Credit Scores
How to Get a Collection Removed from Your Credit Reports
Ways A Debt Collector May Be Breaking the Law
Why you should NEVER Pay collections agency
Can a Debt Collector Get Into My Bank Account?
How Credit Card Delinquency Works - Investopedia
67 million Americans may have trouble paying credit card
What happens if someone refuses to pay credit card debt
Coronavirus: Credit card companies prepare for struggling
Will I Go to Jail for Not Paying My Credit Card Debt?
Charged $25,000 To Credit Card, Can't Pay The Bill
What Happen if You Don't Pay Credit Card Bills or Debts
What Should I Do if I Can't Pay My Credit Card?
Debt collector calling? Know your rights
According to the Urban Institute, more than a third of Americans have debts reported to collection agencies. While the best way to avoid this is to pay your bills, if debt collectors do come after you, you still have rights that protect you from harassment, thanks to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
"By law, the first step that debt collectors must take when reaching out to consumers about debt is they must inform them of their consumer rights, and that's known as a mini-Miranda," explains Melinda Opperman, a senior vice president at Springboard Nonprofit Consumer Credit Management, Inc.
By law, debt collectors must state the amount of debt and the name of the creditor. They also must state that unless you dispute the validity of the debt within 30 days, the debt will be considered valid and that you can ask for verification of the debt.
That's all well and good if debt collectors play by the rules, but many step out of bounds in order to make you fearful. Some threaten to contact your employer, sue you, or have you imprisoned. But you cannot be thrown in jail for debts.
Debt collectors cannot legally:
- Use abusive or obscene language.
- Harass you with repeated calls, or call before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.
- Call you at work if you've asked them to stop.
- Tell your friends or relatives about your debts.
- Demand that you pay more than you owe.
- Threaten to sue unless they intend to take legal action.
- Make up consequences for not paying your debt.
So what should you do if your rights are being violated?
"Consumers," Opperman says, "when they feel their rights are violated, should file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission or their state Attorney General."
To help with this, has assembled sample letters to send to debt collectors, such as verification of debt request, and cease communication forms.
Next time your phone rings and it’s a debt collector calls, remember there are laws protecting you, and you shouldn’t have to avoid those calls out of fear. For more information about your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, visit or read more about it at
For, I'm Tonya Stumphauzer.
Get Rid of Debt Collectors In 5 Minutes
Tired of "debt collectors" calling you? Me too! This is how I deal with them and get rid of them in 5 minutes. Btw, this is for the same "debt" that Swift Financials bought in my first call, you can find that one here:
You have to understand, these companies are 3rd party debt collectors. You don't owe THEM anything. They NEED you to contract with them so they can collect money from you. They try to trick you into doing that, but you DON'T have to contract with them. Now, what's going to happen next?
1. They will take you off their list.
2. They will sell your debt to another debt collection agency.
3. They may report you to the big 3 credit agencies and say you didn't pay them.
4. The next company that buys your "debt" will start calling you to contract with you and start asking for money.
What should *you* do?
1. Fight anything that pops up on your credit report. How?
2. Write to the company that just tried to contract with you (the DEBT COLLECTOR) and ask them for bona fide proof that you owe THEM a debt (not that you may owe a debt to another company). You need them to provide evidence of a contract that you signed and or knowingly entered into by your own volition. They do NOT have that and can never produce it. Keep copies of whatever they respond to you with.
3. Write to the original company that claims you owe them money. Ask them for proof that they didn't sell your "debt" to the DEBT COLLECTOR who contacted you and hasn't been paid the "debt" that they claim you owe them. You may additionally ask them to prove they haven't been paid for your non-payment by an insurance policy. YEEAAHHHHH... They got paid TWICE for what they say you owe, and would still TRY to collect it from you if you were dumb enough to pay them (esp to get "services" restored).
4. Write to whichever credit reporting agencies they file a report with and tell them they must remove that from your report because the company cannot prove you owe the debt. This may take a few tries, but it should work. Here are pre-written letters out there on the web that you can fill in the blanks and use to send them. Follow the instructions contained within the Zip file.