phone: 416-497-6462 416-494-5794


The revolving photos captured moments of this memorable event.

This website has hundreds of links for stores and quite a few related to grocery items.  You may sit in the convenience of your home environment or anywhere you choose prepare a shopping list, select a product and find the price at the click of your mouse . So you may end up with a nice breakfast, lunch or dinner. How nice!  How convenient!  Let us stop for a moment and explain the purpose of this particular link:  PERU MISSION.  This link takes you to a world you may not know existed.SPYROS PETER GOUDAS

 Hello friends and supporters: 

This website has hundreds of links for stores and quite a few related to grocery items.

You may sit in the convenience of your home environment or anywhere you choose prepare a shopping list, select a product and find the price at the click of your mouse.

So you may end up with a nice breakfast, lunch or dinner.

How nice!  How convenient!

Let us stop for a moment and explain the purpose of this particular link: 


This link takes you to a world you may not know existed.


To all who have  the time to explore this link, we thank you, we thank you.

We are you providing you with two telephone numbers for Mr. Nikos Kladitis 416-497-6462. Mrs. Vasiliki Aphantitis 416-494-5794.  

Who knows a telephone call to either number may be one of the most important phone calls you have ever made

 Volunteers are always welcome!