By   Spyros peter goudas

Dear friends, supporters and members of Flyermall.com:

 We do not have to tell you that this is the oldest website in the world portraying flyers. 
Since then hundreds of websites have tried to imitate us.

 However, none can match the immense wealth of information we have incorporated for our viewers. In this section, a lot of work has been done to focus on important personalities and subjects. 

 We present information and facts the way they appear to be with no bias or favoritism either one way or another.
The information about Adolf Hitler is so big, so huge, more than one could imagine and in certain instances websites appear from everywhere with every Joe Blow having an opinion.

For example, in some areas they claim that Hitler was a homosexual, others claim that he was a drug addict, and so on and so on. Lately, there have even been comments about his male parts, or that he lived until age 90 plus in Argentina.  All the documentaries pique interest in him but there is no evidence to support many of these claims.

 FlyerMall tries to portray the whole story from the beginning, his birth, until the end of World War II and even past that date by focussing on the effects of his regime. 

 We have tried very carefully to check every link we included for accurate information from reliable sources so that our viewers, and particularly the young generation, would not waste time on nonsense information from unreliable sources.

 We are not criticizing or giving credit to his abilities, or attempt to find the deep reason why he tried to exterminate the Jewish people during the Holocaust.

 The facts are there.  We have included links in a timeline perspective so that the average viewer can follow his life story, the time in between, and the after-effects of his decisions.

 As stated above, this story is so big.  There are many more articles and videos to incorporate in the near future before we feel that this article is complete.

 In the meantime, you may view the article the way it is and after viewing each recommended videos, please return to our FlyerMall column until you complete your voyage.

 Please view the videos with patience and understanding, digesting as much information for your own satisfaction and education.

The following is a comment made by Spyros Peter Goudas on the subject of Kitty Hart, or for more accuracy, Kitty Hart-Moxon.

Regarding the subjects of WW II, Hitler, Nazis, German occupations, Concentration Camps, elimination of the Jews, and related topics, there are endless websites claiming authority and writing and/or portraying events shifting away from the reality.

I have chosen to highlight this topic in such a way so that the average reader or viewer will have a clear picture of the Holocaust and the events direct from "the horse's mouth" which in this instance are the survivors of this terrible period in History and as long as I am alive I will maintain this website so that the new generation will learn and maybe, possibly, never allow such an event to happen again.

The Hitler Family


Explaining Adolf Hitler 

Adolf Hitler`s Rise, The Colour Film

Adolf Hitler`s Rise , The Colour Film 

Hitler in Color - Best Hitler Documentary

ObIiiviionHitler was a great leader. the Nazi Germany economy was great. the Reichsmark was worth more than the American dollar. and it was Himmler who killed the Jews. 
Desmond Vidal, I wish they had caught him just like how they caught the rest of his scumbag friends 
Sofie Älmeros  Thank you for the upload, this is one of the best Documentaries :) 
Stephen Curran  Pity he is not around today to sort out them fuckin Isis pricks gas the lot of them 
I Speak The Truth   No matter how the world portrays him, you cannot deny that he is a great leader, amongst the greatest in history. He had the ability to galvanize and unite a nation, people looked up to him as a person who would take them to a utopia in a dystopian world. He had a vision where Germany prospered and a world free of evil, which is what every great leader should have, however just because he fought what was right doesn't mean he was. It's a shame that a person of his skill didn't use it for the greater good of the world, rather than Germany itself.

RARE Footage of Hitler and the 3rd Reich in COLOR! Very good documentary.. Enjoy!

How did Hitler become chancellor in 1933

How did Hitler become chancellor in 1933 

Triumph of the Will 1935 By Leni Riefenstahl 


Leni Riefenstahl  The Immoderation of Me


Riefenstahl died of cancer on 8 September 2003 at the age of 101 and was buried at Munich Waldfriedhof.
She was praised for her body of work following her death and remains one of the most acclaimed movie directors. 


Biography of Reinhard Heydrich Architect of the Holocaust

A documentary on the life of Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, from his upbringing, to him joining the S.S, to him masterminding the details of the Final Solution and his later Assassination in operation Anthropoid.

München 1939 (unkommentiert & in Farbe)
Zeitgeschichte live

German Invasion Of Russia (1941)

Operation Barbarossa - Invasion of USSR 221193 01 | Footage Farm

Operation Barbarossa: Hitler's failed invasion of Russia

Η μάχη του Στάλινγκραντ 1942-1943

It Happened In Paris: WWII Nazi Occupation (1942 & 1944) | British Pathé

German occupation of France - A different view | River of Recollection

Life In France Under German Occupation

The Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich 

One of the most ardent and hated Nazis, Reinhard Heydrich chaired the infamous Wannsee Conference, which set forth the Final Solution: the operation to exterminate all Jews in Nazi-controlled territory. | 

Reinhard Heydrich was considered the most dangerous man in Nazi Germany after Hitler himself. The plot to kill him masterminded in England and carried through to finality in Prague in 1942, is told in this gripping dramatized documentary special. Featuring meticulous reconstructions, coupled with authentic historical film, some of it never shown before the film powerfully presents a vivid account of the only successful assassination of a leading Nazi in World War II. It also chillingly recreates the terrible human cost of SS savagery against the Resistance and the total obliteration of the village of Lidice.

Joseph Goebbels The Diaries.

With the above title, I had a link in one of the best documentaries, the bad tube had to delete.
I found another one but certain parts are missing. I post this one which is close to the original bud no exactly.


Emil Jansson Very good film. 

Brandon McNamara Dr. Göbells is a hero of mine. A brilliant man. A true pioneer of propaganda that all USA media owes their allegiance too. Amongst other countries.

joseph goebbels... full and intresting documentry on builders of the world war 2. 

Joseph Goebbels - Master of Propaganda


The Nazi Gospels

LL D Fantastic documentary. Thank you for uploading this.

D Smiddy The sensationalism in this documentary is propagandized.
Look how this documentary is filmed just by the scoring or visual effects.
There are sane, key details affecting the causation of the rise of the NSDAP that are entirely glanced over to make everything appear irrational when they were not.
If you oppose Nazi doctrine, that's fine, but shrugging Germany as insane shows an immature level of comprehension and is dangerous to what multiculturalism chooses to preserve.
But this is what you get from the people that bring you Pawn Stars.
ce neblock I don't know how I feel about the actor portraying Himmler.
He looks okay, but I'm not getting that absolutely creepy vibe I get whenever I read about him.


against Hitler's orders


The Marshall - Hermann Goering



Hitler's rise to power gives a new era of optimism

Hitler's rise to power gives us a new era of optimism  

The Mortal Storm film with James Stewart.

THE MORTAL STORM (Tödliche Sturm) a 1940 Ani - Nazi Film: Song: "Die Fahne Hoch" Music by Horst Wessel. with James Stewart, Margaret Sullavan, Robert Young, Frank Morgan, Robert Staack, Dan Dailey Maria Ouspenskaya & Gene Reynolds.

linda chamberlain  I always remember watching this film and realizing why I added James Stewart, he played the part brilliantly as I remember reading somewhere Germany tried to ban the film 
Charlie Maldonado  What a great movie!! Jimmy Stewart is wonderful!

The family turned on one another, in the movie


The Mortal Storm a film from 1940 sung by Bar patrons with James Stewart. 

Waffen SS Hitler's Elite Fighting Force

EastGermanyPatriot The US Marines were a joke, compared to combat units Waffen SS
warjacare  Fortunately the Soviets killed many of them after the war. The Western Allies regrettably did not kill that many. The Waffen SS was formed by cowards and psychotic killers.
1955porsche  the ss were pussies, if they fought harder maybe they would have been real soldiers, murdering civilians, burning children in their schools don't make u a hero it makes u a fucking coward. u could never compare the ss to the US Marines.
StSimonMartyr Had Hitler Won WW2,.. we'd have No Obama, No Communism, No Feminism, No Usury, Federal Reserve, IRS, World Bank, Flooding of America/Europe with 3rd world browns and blacks, Theft of Palestine, Abortion, Media degeneracy or Porn ie It'd be Horrible.

Mengele The Doctor Of Death


What was life like for young people in Nazi Germany

What was life like for young people in Nazi Germany? 

The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich

UTHealth School of Nursing  Cizik School of Nursing has created a documentary film that tells the grim cautionary tale of nurses who participated in the Holocaust and abandoned their professional ethics during the Nazi era.
The 56-minute film, Caring Corrupted: the Killing Nurses of the Third Reich, casts a harsh light on nurses who used their professional skills to murder the handicapped, mentally ill and infirm at the behest of the Third Reich and directly participated in genocide.

Secrets of War Declassified Mussolini's Henchman

German Troops March Into Austria (1938)


Polish Army Manoeuvres (1939)

Various shots of Polish army parade through town including cavalry and tanks (Poland). L/S of ground to air, Polish air force fly-past. Various shots, Polish cavalry on maneuvers, a crossing river with pontoons. L/S of Polish tanks moving across fields.

M/S of the armored train, it halts and troops jump out. Various shots, Polish troops, and tanks in a realistic mock attack across the open country. (Good scenes - poor quality). L/S Troops advancing using flamethrowers.

Full titles read: 

Forbidden Movie 1939 STORY

Starring Jacqueline Bisset, Jürgen Prochnow & Irene Worth
Directed by Anthony Page Music by (Gasp!) Tangerine Dream

Loosely based on a true story originally told in the non-fiction book, The Last Jews in Berlin, by Leonard Gross

Forbidden (1984) Movie Starring Jacqueline Bisset, Jürgen Prochnow & Irene Worth Directed by Anthony Page Music by (Gasp!) Tangerine Dream  Loosely based on a true story originally told in the non-fiction book, The Last Jews in Berlin, by Leonard Gross posted in flyermall by spyros peter goudas

Secrets Of War Shadows Of The Third Reich


The Nazi Invasion of Poland in 1939 

The Nazi Invasion of Poland in 1939 - Captured WWII German films_Full Length Historical Documentary 

Polish refugees welcomed by Iran during WW2

A forgotten chapter of World War II In September 1939, Stalin pounced on Poland, dismembering it in one of the bleakest chapters of Polish history. Joseph Stalin had tens of thousands of Poles carted off to his Russian prison camps, but when Adolf Hitler's Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, Stalin 'freed' the Poles and said they could join a Polish army being formed by the Allies.  In a matter of weeks, floods of starving, haggard Poles began trudging toward Iran, many among them were women and children who had no place else to go. In all, between 114,000 and 300,000 Poles are thought to have made it to Iran.  Some eventually moved on to other parts of the world. Others stayed in Iran

Science and Swastika The Deadly Experiment

Science and the Swastika :The Deadly Experiment

Invasion of Czechoslovakia 1939

March 15 German troops occupy the remaining part of Bohemia and Moravia; Czechoslovakia ceases to exist. On 16 March was established Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. 

German Troops In Paris 1940

Paris 1940 - Deutsche Besatzung - German Occupation - l´Occupation allemande, film: color/bw 

How Hitler Humiliated France

The Coach that made History: One railway carriage has been the setting for two of the most humiliating political events of the twentieth century.
This is a tale of two armistices, pride, power, and dining car No. 2419D.

 How Hitler Humiliated France 

Sex slavery in Nazi Germany 

Sex slavery in Nazi Germany

Hitler's Hidden Drug Habit: Secret History

Hitler's Hidden Drug Habit: Secret History 

IDIOT Mousolini, Nikos Gounaris

 Po po ti epathe o Mussolini, Sofia Vempo, Bempo, 28 OCT 1940

Start the war idiot Mussolini Sofia Vembo

With this video, Sofis Vembo serves homage in the women of Continent that fought their own war in the kakotrachala mountains of our Continent, in order to help the Greek Soldiers carrying them polemofodia, foods, clothing, opening streets in order to proelasoyn. Ypoklinomai!

THE GREEK - ITALIAN WAR 1940-1941 Benito Mussolini wanted to impress Hitler and mimic his military success.   Apparently Mussolini did not do his homework to read the history between Greeks and Italians, or maybe he never heard or read the slogan in Italian - Una faccia, una razza.  The literal translation 'one face, one race' is often used to describe the deep historical, cultural and ethnic closeness of the two nations.  In a few words, Mossolini thought that he would have an Espresso Coffee and some Ouzo with Souvlaki under the Acropolis or Pathenon  in a Greek Cafe within twenty-four hours, arrogantly believing that the Greek Italian War would end in one day.  However, he miscalculated the fact that the Italian soldiers themselves did not want to participate in his unjustified decision to invade Greece which has been a friendly country for centuries.


THE GREEK - ITALIAN WAR 1940-1941 Benito Mussolini wanted to impress Hitler and mimic his military success.

Apparently, Mussolini did not do his homework to read the history between Greeks and Italians, or maybe he never heard or read the slogan in Italian - Una fascia, una razza.

The literal translation 'one face, one race' is often used to describe the deep historical, cultural and ethnic closeness of the two nations. 

In a few words, Mussolini thought that he would have an Espresso Coffee and some Ouzo with Souvlaki under the Acropolis or Parthenon in a Greek Cafe within twenty-four hours, arrogantly believing that the Greek Italian War would end in one day.

However, he miscalculated the fact that the Italian soldiers themselves did not want to participate in his unjustified decision to invade Greece which has been a friendly country for centuries. 

THE GREEK - ITALIAN WAR 1940-1941 Benito Mussolini wanted to impress Hitler and mimic his military success.   Apparently Mussolini did not do his homework to read the history between Greeks and Italians, or maybe he never heard or read the slogan in Italian - Una faccia, una razza.  The literal translation 'one face, one race' is often used to describe the deep historical, cultural and ethnic closeness of the two nations.  In a few words, Mossolini thought that he would have an Espresso Coffee and some Ouzo with Souvlaki under the Acropolis or Pathenon  in a Greek Cafe within twenty-four hours, arrogantly believing that the Greek Italian War would end in one day.  However, he miscalculated the fact that the Italian soldiers themselves did not want to participate in his unjustified decision to invade Greece which has been a friendly country for centuries. 

THE GREEK - ITALIAN WAR 1940-1941 [english subtitles]

THE GREEK - ITALIAN WAR 1940-1941 Benito Mussolini wanted to impress Hitler and mimic his military success.   Apparently Mussolini did not do his homework to read the history between Greeks and Italians, or maybe he never heard or read the slogan in Italian - Una faccia, una razza.  The literal translation 'one face, one race' is often used to describe the deep historical, cultural and ethnic closeness of the two nations.  In a few words, Mossolini thought that he would have an Espresso Coffee and some Ouzo with Souvlaki under the Acropolis or Pathenon  in a Greek Cafe within twenty-four hours, arrogantly believing that the Greek Italian War would end in one day.  However, he miscalculated the fact that the Italian soldiers themselves did not want to participate in his unjustified decision to invade Greece which has been a friendly country for centuries.

1940-41: Greece, the First Victory

 One of the better documentaries that were turned for his epic  1940-41! It recounts the unbiased way the (Greek-Italian War) and (Greek-German War) war as well as the battle of Crete.

 It presents the battles and the achievements of the Greek army and elects the greatness of the Greek soul and the contribution of Greece in the lytrotiki for humanity's result of the 2nd world war!

How Greece saved Europe in world war 2

SpyroSfilms "Greeks don't fight like heroes, heroes fight like Greeks." -Winston Churchill
Alex Phillips, I never knew Greece played such a big part in ww2
Nick Vog My great-grandfather was one of the first sent to the Albanian Front. He died in 2012, 99 years old. You grandpa
Ganapati Hegde Greece is the cradle of human civilization.



The history of Greece is a tremendous undertaking for anyone, even for historians. With this in mind, Mr.Jim Kottas decided to study this topic in-depth. He realized that he could compress information in such a way that you feel you have mentally travelled back in time and found answers to present day questions, even the wonderful pictures and drawings become live in front of your eyes. The completion of this second book led to a third one,Proverbs and Wise Sayings,  in Greek (??????? ??? ?????????), and later followed up with the English version in 2009.Since then, Dimitri has worked tirelessly on two additional books which he hopes to publish at the end of 2013.Collecting the material, writing a book, incorporating photos and the eventual publishing is an enormous amount of work for one individual. However, his work is priceless and is a piece of art. DIMITRI (JIM) KOTTAS work and his name would live on forever and be a part of Greek heritage and culture.

Benito Mussolini  

Benito Mussolini film--documentary (Evolution of Evil)

Biography of the life of Benito Mussolini



The Wehrmacht in action in Yugoslavia 1941

Serbia One of the first crimes over Serbian inhabitants took place immediately after the surrender, 22.April Pančevu and execute it by German soldiers and local folksdojčeri.

The reason for this crime was the murder of a German soldier who was killed by another German soldier drunk. To cover this case made a false attack on a German patrol near the Old orthodox cemetery in Pančevu. 

Local folksdojčeri as this event is meaningless to use to avenge 9 killed by German Nazis in the April war.

21. April was arrested more than 100 pančevačkih Serbs, of which 40 were selected, and they were brought to court-martial. Short procedure and without any established guilt was 36 murdered a completely innocent person 
Recommendation from Spyros Peter Goudas. On 21 April every year should be declared a national mourning day in memory of the innocent PANCEVONIAS who lost their lives in Pancevo Serbia.

The Wehrmacht in action in Yugoslavia 1941

The Nazi Coup in Hungary (WW2) | Operation Panzerfaust


Marlon Brando Nazi Picks up French Girl

The Young Lions 1958 HD Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, Dean Martin Movie

Marlon Brando the Nazi Picks up French Girl 

The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel

William Snyder, This was an excellent film. Well acted by James Mason, Jessica Tandy, Leo G. Carroll, and Sir Cedric Hardwicke. Twentieth Century-Fox caught a lot of flak from right-wingers in the American Legion for having the audacity to portray ANY German as human or sympathetic.


Patton And Rommel Showdown In Tunisia 

Killing Rommel by Steven Pressfield 

Killing Rommel - The Demise of the Desert Fox


The Executioner - Heinrich Himmler

The Executioner - Heinrich Himmler 

I'm Still Here Holocaust Survivor Diaries

I'm Still Here Holocaust Survivor Diaries


PHOTO OF KITTY HART A tragic tale of violence and certainly the best documentary about Auschwitz and its horrors during WWII. Click on the photo


Stalin and the Betrayal of Leningrad

24 JUNE 1945

Stalin and the Betrayal of Leningrad 

Josef Mengele: Angel Of Death 


The Nazi General Who Turned on Hitler

Erwin Rommel was the toast of the Nazi Party and a German national treasure. That all changed when he tried to assassinate Hitler. 

Battle of the Bulge, Hitler's Last Offensive

The Greatest battle America ever fought was against Hitler's Army when it staged one of the last offensives of the war in Belgium against American troops who were alone and unprepared for the Nazi onslaught. Despite overwhelming odds, American troops defeated the German Blitz preventing history from repeating itself as it did when Hitler first invaded Belgium at the beginning of the war.

The Fall of the Third Reich


Mr. and Mrs. Hitler

This interesting film (from 2001) explores the fascinating relationship which was one of the most closely-guarded of the era. Obviously speculative in parts, it contains some excellent archive footage of Braun. The film is unmonetized and uploaded for educational purposes only.
Any advertising that appears is unbidden.

This interesting film (from 2001) explores the fascinating relationship which was one of the most closely-guarded of the era. Obviously speculative in parts, it contains some excellent archive footage of Braun. The film is unmonetised and uploaded for educational purposes only. Any advertising that appears is unbidden. Comments are welcome but only if they engage with the film's content or its arguments.

Hitler and Eva Braun's Disturbing Wedding

For 14 years, Hitler refused to marry his mistress Eva Braun, fearing it would alienate his female fans. Toward the end of his reign, he changed his mind--but their wedding came with a sinister caveat.

For 14 years, Hitler refused to marry his mistress Eva Braun, fearing it would alienate his female fans. Toward the end of his reign, he changed his mind--but their wedding came with a sinister caveat. 

The Goebbels Children

A tribute to the children of the Nazi propaganda minister, Josef Goebbels and his wife Magda; Helga, Hilde, Helmut, Holde, Hedda, and Heide. 

All were killed on the 1st May 1945