Basically there no recycling in Canada, if any let us know
Canada moving on single-use plastics ban but will determine products later
Less than 10 percent of the plastic used in Canada gets recycled.
The problem is not in 2021 or in the next decade, the issues it NOW.
They forget to mentioned Pepsi or the worst of all, Nestle bottled water.
Canada is a 'high risk' country in growing global garbage crisis
Canada make its garbage 'someone else's problem': advocate
A shipload of Canadian garbage arrives in Canada on Saturday after festering for years in the Philippines, but one environmental advocate says Canada still isn’t doing enough to manage its own waste.
Duterte threatens to dump old trash on Canadian beaches
Prepare a grand reception.
Lincoln Rockwell Duterte is the greatest national leader in the world.
Mary Cel Funny how lots of Canadians support Duterte's statement.
Green Peace What a stupid question. She asked:” the trash was sitting there for 6 years and why is there an issue now?” There has been always an issue.
The problem is Canada kept refusing to take the trash back!
Garbage ship arrives in Canada from the Philippines
The Anna Maersk arrived at Deltaport near the Tsawwassen ferry terminal just after 7 a.m., carrying nearly 70 containers and 1,500 tons of Canadian refuse.
It was a very big grand reception
Malaysia returning Canadian waste
Malaysia is denouncing Canada's for what it calls irresponsible exporting of plastic waste, becoming the second Asian nation to make plans to ship Canadian trash back across the ocean, after the Philippines.
Vincent Lee Lmfao. Next: all Asian Countries ship back trash to Canada.
joey amber Canada doesn't know how to recycle!!!! To Prepare a Grand Reception to all your Garbage. KUDOS to Malaysia and the Philippines.
Indonesia sends 49 containers of trash back
It's worth millions of pounds.
China ending its program to take in the world's dirty recycling
Where is the world's waste going? That's focused on the latest edition of The Question — with China ending its program to take in the world's dirty recycling, it has to go somewhere else.
Ryan Yan, I got a solution for you... TAKE CARE of YOUR OWN WASTE
China's war on garbage
China is officially declaring war on foreign garbage. For years, China has benefited from recyclable plastic imports due to energy production and the boom of low-value-added manufacturing. But this disposal of overseas waste has proved detrimental to our environment and health. Meanwhile, piecemeal efforts to encourage recycling and waste-sorting were far outstripped by rising consumption by China’s expanding middle class over the past decade, which has seen China grow to become the world’s biggest garbage generator by weight.
Europe scrambling as China bans foreign waste-plastic imports
Jack Parrock reports from Brussels on Europe's plastic waste problem and the potential impact of China's ban on foreign waste-plastic starting 2018.
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The coast of Newfoundland and Labrador
Meanwhile, off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, a research project has found massive piles of garbage in the ocean.
Special report: A Plastic Tide
Sue Willdig Brilliant that Sky is helping to draw attention to this incredibly important issue
Margareth Oliphant "When we clean our beaches we clean our hearts"
Luis S.N. Very informative and I agree, should be shown in schools everywhere.
Nati Banco I've been to India twice. They don't have rubbish disposal services: no rubbish bin (garbage can) collections, they have no landfill sites. They have no sewage system. Sadly most of their rubbish is disposed of in the ocean. Sad but true. They have to address this.
China has shut its doors to garbage
Until this year, China had been America's -- and the world's -- number one recycling market. But China has shut its doors to plastic waste, which could result by 2030 in more than 100 million tons of trash with nowhere to go. So how did our recycling become so reliant on a country half a world away? Economics correspondent Paul Solman reports.
Malaysia sends rubbish back to Australia
Exposing Australia’s recycling lie
There is no doubt Australia is one of the most wasteful nations in the world, so the practice of recycling helps to lessen our guilt. As we drag our bins out for collection each week, we feel like we’re helping the environment. But the reality is that we’re all being conned.
Right now, Australia is stuck in an unsightly and worsening recycling crisis. What is being done with plastic waste, the material most people think would be easy to salvage and re-use, is of the greatest concern. As Liam Bartlett discovers, most of it ends up either being buried or worse – exported to countries like Malaysia, a place we are now treating like a garbage bin.
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Aluminum recycling Hydro Dormagen, Germany
Transforming scrap aluminum at our aluminum recycling plant in Hydro Dormagen, Germany, for use in cars, packaging, electronics, and buildings turns waste into new products and saves energy in the process.
Andy Walker The slow-motion video of the air jet separator is beautiful :) I'd never realized that different alloys would be such a big issue for aluminum recycling.
Richard Richardson This is the last thing I thought I'd enjoy but I guess engineering is beautiful in all its accomplishments
Set Them Free! Don’t Put Recycling in Plastic Shopping Bags
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This is an interesting video about recycling your garbage.
What is surprising is that there is no option for the general public to express their ideas or comments. We are certain that if you open up that area and let the public express their opinions, then obviously everybody will have something to say.
We are living in a country with many people who do not even know how to speak English, so they do not know what you are talking about. Even the ones who do understand English, most of them do not even know what is recyclable and what is not.
Some people say that you print calendars and informative pamphlets and deliver them from house to house. Millions of dollars are spent in printing and in distribution as well.
Let us look at things in a practical way.
How many people in their houses have 2 or 3 different bags to put different varieties of recyclable items?
Since the grocery stores sell their bags for 5 cents, many try to economize by getting fewer bags, so at the house they put everything in one bag: Leftover food that got spoiled, empty glass or plastic bottles, or anything you can think of including newspapers, magazines, cartons, old CDs, cat poo, rotten onions, and so on.
In addition to the problem, many people simply throw their garbage out of the window of their cars on the highway or on any roadside, ensuring no identification can be found in the bags.
Basically, you can correct the problem by doing the following.
Instead to be on national television trying to explain that the conveyor belt is moving so fast and the employees do not have enough time to sort out the recyclable items and much less time to open and sort out the contents of the plastic bags.
You do not have to be an Einstein to figure out that part of the solution is to SLOW DOWN THE CONVEYOR BELT, and I mean slow it down so that there is enough time for sorting out.
On the other hand, there are so many people on unemployment, why not hire more people to assist in the sorting on the belt.
We have watched your video and noticed that the three or four people that are on the line are working so hard trying to cope with the situation.
Did you or anyone from the city management ever go close to this flowing belt of garbage and try to do this job for even one day.
This area must be the stinkest, dirtiest, filthiest, disgusting, nauseating, polluted environment that leads to all sorts of sickness and diseases.
We assume that there is a bad odor throughout the entire sorting area.
The poor employees should be protected to the best of your abilities and if you do not know what I am talking about, they should be provided with protective breathing apparatus similar to that of astronauts with a pipe leading to the outside of the building, so that they may breathe fresh air, not my $hit or yours.
Do you understand what we are trying to say?
I bet you these workers receive less than $15 per hour.
From our observations, your desire to conserve the environment is hazardous to the health of your employees.
Unless you implement the above recommendations, we suggest you remove this video and produce another video apologizing to the public and your employees for the damage you have done over the years with the city's money.
We have further noticed from watching this video that the recycling processes are very deficient in Canada and obviously this video can be accessed everywhere in the world.
This is an absolute embarrassment in particular with regards to the employees and what they have been subjected to. I can easily picture them going home to their young children and spouses, smelling literally like garbages after inhaling trash all day long probably for 8 hours under such a filthy atmosphere.
These employees urgently need help. Could we not come up with something similar to this below picture? This illustrates workers in a factory wearing complete protective gear allowing them to breathe fresh air from outside through a pipe system.
What Happens to Your Recycling After It's Collected?
Komer West Recycling is a big lie that's just now coming out into the open
Is Canada’s recycling industry broken?
Canada’s recycling industry is having its moment of reckoning with more going to landfill, less being accepted in the blue bin, and the cost of going green soaring.
This is Part 2 in a three-part series investigating the state of Canada’s recycling industry. Read Part 1 and Part 3 of the series here.
Recyclables after China restricts foreign waste
Colchester County, N.S., used to send all its film plastics to China. But since China's new restrictions on recyclables, the county has stockpiled 450 tonnes of them, including hundreds of bales it keeps outside.
China's new rules that ban or seriously restrict foreign waste have Canadian municipalities struggling to find places to ship their recyclables.
Half of the world's recyclables were being sent to China, but that changed when China decided to crack down on foreign waste last year.
China no longer the world's dumping ground
The farms outside Shanghai are healthy green. Traditional crops like broccoli and cabbage are growing quickly in the spring sun.
Nestlé, Tim Hortons top plastic polluters
For World Cleanup Day on Sept. 15, Greenpeace co-ordinated a cleanup activity and plastic polluter brand audit in several Canadian cities, including one in Toronto's Don Valley. Nestlé and Tim Hortons were the top two companies responsible for the branded plastic found. (Stan Williams/Greenpeace)
China’s import ban on solid waste
Five WTO members questioned China’s import ban on solid waste, particularly for certain scrap materials, at the 3 October meeting of the WTO Committee on Import Licensing.
The United States, the European Union, Australia, Canada, and Korea sought more information on which types of materials would be affected, with some noting that this issue was of great interest to their business sectors.
Recycling crisis hits Quebec
"Mainly, what is happening now is there is less exportation to China. So the material remains in Quebec. And we store, and store and store the recyclables in sorting centers,"
Quebec is sounding the alarm over a recycling crisis now that China, no longer wants its recyclable material.
One major reason for the ban was that garbage was too often mixed in with the recyclable imports.
People who work in the recycling business in Quebec are warning that the industry is in jeopardy and plants are shutting down.
Major Quebec glass processing plant shutting down
The market for glass is in a bad state, and the Quebec facility is outdated.
They need to invest between $10 and $12 million to build a new plant.
Most come from wine and spirit bottles. Let the province's liquor board pay, they make tons of money.
Recycling facilities are piling up the glass and hope that some miracle will happen.
Tim Hortons, Starbucks recycling claims maybe garbage
Marketplace investigation tracks take-out cups from Tim Hortons and Starbucks to see where they end up 1:23
A CBC Marketplace investigation reveals that many paper cups collected by some Toronto Starbucks and Tim Hortons for recycling are sent to landfill, not to a recycling plant as many may believe.
Plastic Ocean
Larry Haravata This all falls on one description —> CORPORATE GREED!
Coca-Cola's plastic secrets
Louis Lark A phenomenal and immensely informative documentary! Thanks for posting!
Food Waste with John Oliver
SpyMonkey3D Here in France, Supermarkets are now obliged to give unsold food to charity.
There was zero food waste in my house then. Nor now.
Dirty Business what really happens to your recycling
William Cheng UK's recycling system is just a joke. They just dumped to other countries' land.
Younghead They have known for more than 7 years that only 3% of all plastic that has been sent to China actually gets recycled. I’m glad that China has finally put their foot down and said enough no more contaminated plastic.
George Carlin: Earth with Plastic
A whopping 91% of plastic isn't recycled
This article was created in partnership with the National Geographic Society. In December 2018, Great Britain's Royal Statistical Society named the core fact in this story—that only about nine percent of all plastic ever made has likely been recycled— its statistic of the year.
Tracking your plastic: Exposing recycling myths
Marketplace journalists go undercover overseas and pose as recycling brokers to expose the lucrative plastic recycling business. We reveal that Malaysia
to Asia, so they can live in a proudly so-called"clean and green environment", very immoral and unethical!