Many people today may not recognize the name, Howard Hughes.

However, Howard Hughes was one of the most brilliant men in the history of mankind.

There are numerous articles on the internet about him and no one really knows which is right and which is wrong.

Several people spend their lifetime trying to figure out and explain his mind.  Some of them write stories or articles and modify their life story in such a way to suit their own objectives.

So now we are at the mercy of these articles and we have to make our own judgment calls.

We do know that he was very rich, reclusive, eccentric, extremely intelligent, lonely, and ill at periods during his lifetime.
Should you examine the various links we have provided, you will also realize that he dated some of the most beautiful women in the world.

In addition to several creations in the aircraft industry, he created a movie studio and produced some of the most famous movies in the world.

Some people love him and some of his competitors hate him.  One thing is for sure is that he was a great philanthropist.

The photo below shows him in the cockpit of an airplane. 

The link below shows some interesting articles written about him.

Howard Hughes

The Mystery surrounding the death of Howard Hughes - Please be aware that I am the presenter not the author of this report! Howard Hughes will forever be one of my personal heroes! This link is the Wikipedia article's_Angels_(film) This link is about his first film.

The above line provides you with images of some of his girlfriends (apparently, he had excellent taste). This link states that During this period he had sexual relationships with Tyrone Power, Russell Gleason, Richard Cromwell, You make your own assumptions. This link shows his philanthropy - one aspect of it.

We have given you enough links to explore the life of this great man.

Howard Hughes: secret last 25 years

Howard Hughes didn't die in 1976 but lived another 25 years as Nik Nicely married to Eva McLelland explains Mark Musick convincingly. Mark recounts what he learned about those 25 years from 10 years spent with Eva telling her story, going through her boxes of Howard's papers, and conducting a careful investigation.

On the sly Hughes managed to conduct business and participate in CIA intrigue.

The story is told in the book, Boxes, The Secret Life of Howard Hughes by Douglas Wellman. Among the surprises is Hughes' role in the missing 18 Watergate minutes. Video: Joe Friendly


The Secret History: Howard Hughes, Bizarre Billionaire 1 / 5

 How and why did a man so rich, so accomplished and so visible become so reclusive, phobic, and fragile? Recent medical discoveries may explain the bizarre billionaire.


The Secret History: Howard Hughes, Bizarre Billionaire (2/5)


The Secret History: Howard Hughes, Bizarre Billionaire (3/5)


The Secret History: Howard Hughes, Bizarre Billionaire (4/5)


The Secret History: Howard Hughes, Bizarre Billionaire (5/5)


Howard Hughes was a pure genius. Absolutely. No if, and, or buts about it. Had it not been for infractions that occurred in his life, from childhood, on up, his life would have ended better. But yet he still left behind a great legacy, and inventions, and a name that would be remembered. Some may say he squandered too much money, millions, in some projects, like Hell's Angels, but I just see he had a dream he believed in, and believed in his abilities, and followed through. You win some and you lose some, but you'll never know it's good unless you try. Now repeating the same failure would be foolish, but you can correct the mistakes in the failure, and make it better. He just seem like he was a good decent person, to me.



Howard Hughes Crazy as a Fox by George Marrett


Howard Hughes: The Man and the Madness - Documentary


Incredible Real Story Of Howard Hughes, The Mad Billionaire


Secret Life of Howard Hughes


For almost 25 years, I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours researching the life of Howard Hughes, working on several projects ranging from two books(one a more general biography of Hughes’ life, and another biography focusing on a specific period of Hughes’ life and decades-long and extremely varied business and personal life. I’ve read every book ever written about Hughes, spent countless hours pouring over university archives and collections of Hughes’ papers stretching from Rice to UNLV to U of Alabama and many others. I have consulted on other Hughes’ projects and appeared in media many times as a “Howard Hughes expert”(mostly after the release of ‘The Aviator’), and I would stack up against my knowledge of Howard Hughes against any other biographer in the world. That said, this “documentary” is extremely poorly done. It’s 2018, so very few people would be shocked or disgusted if the bisexual allegations in this film were indeed true. However, no serious biographer has ever uncovered any actual evidence that Hughes engaged in the gay activity. Again, I could care less if it were true, but there is simply zero credible evidence of this. The bisexual speculation(along with many other unrelated inaccuracies riddled throughout this program) are taken from one specific Hughes biography that all other biographers of note universally criticized as filled with unsubstantiated claims and rumors. This program has so much false information I can only recommend you watch it on mute because there are interesting footage and photographs, but I give this film a 1.5 out of 10 in historical value and a 0 out of 10 in an effort to present truthful events in Hughes’ life. Don’t waste your time watching this.

Howard Hughes is the most misunderstood human being on the planet! He died of "Human neglect " PERIOD. He was forced into seclusion because he understood firsthand the ignorant human beings out there.I truly wish someone would make a life story about how he was abused by the jealous scum that forced this wonderful man into the corner of life! Howard Hughes is my inspiration. RIP. Sorry for all the scum that beat you down. May they burn in Hell.

I didn't like the gay innuendo in this documentary! I have never seen anything that would indicate that Howard Hughes was gay and I think the maker of this film put that in just because Hollywood is always pushing the gay thing even if there is no evidence of it at all! I have seen no interviews with his friends or anyone that knew him that said he was gay. Why smear this man's reputation for no reason! There is much evidence that he had affairs with hundreds of women! Women! Sorry, Hollywood if that disappoints you! Howard Hughes loved WOMEN!!!!!! WTF is wrong with you people!



Howard Hughes, the CIA, the Glomar Explorer, and the sunken Russian Submarine