Due to insistent public demand, the world renowned dancing inmates of Cebu finally had their own version

Michael Jackson - Thriller

Sacramento Ballet: Learn the "Thriller" Dance

Do you know the dance to Michael Jackson's 'Thriller?' Wanna learn? We're asking everyone to get their best vampire, ghost, ghoul and zombie costume on and MOB MIDTOWN and get your Thriller On!

We can't tell you when or where the Flash Mob is EXACTLY just yet...join our Facebook page and get connected to join the MOB! Not a fan of Facebook? send us an email to and get the scoop!

We've created this teaching video for the Flash Mob choreography to Michael Jackson's Thriller so you can learn it in the privacy of your own home. The most important aspect of this event is for you to HAVE FUN! Even if you don't learn the dance, come one, come all and be a part of the Midtown Flash Mob!

Come out in costume (or just join the fun, costumes are not required), gather with like minded people, we'll be blasting the music and hoping everyone busts a move to create a commotion in Midtown!

 13.957 people dancing thriller in Mexico guinnes record Michael Jackson




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