Today, November 23, 2014, we were searching for a couple YouTube links to insert into FlyerMall.

Co--incidentally, one of our team members suggested the Marx Brothers since Harpo Marx was born on November 23, 1888.

For the young generation the MARX Brothers will have no significance whatsoever.

However, for the more mature generation, the Marx Brothers entertained the world for many years.  Click here to view their life story within wikipedia.

We hope that you took the time to read about these remarkably talented brothers who brought laughter to million in the early years of the film industry.

The following photos will link you into a selection of videos showcasing their musical abilities, particularly with the piano and the harp.

The brothers never really claimed to be musicians, however, simply viewing the clips you will notice liberace under the piano learning a few tricks.

 The harp is a very special instrument and is not very common.  It is quite heavy to carry around.

Harpo Marx, for those of you who do not know, was a mute.

This deficiency did not prevent him from playing the harp to perfection.

 The brother included their comedic abilities with their musical talents. 

Check out Chico playing the piano with an apple.

We hope you had a wonderful evening or night enjoying the link we have uploaded for you in our Tubes Section and the hundreds of other links within YouTube.

Comments from J Mark 

There is not now, nor has there been anyone since like the Marx brothers. They were pure comic genius'.
Every single one of them was multi-talented, especially from a musical standpoint. Although they played as a team, they were superb in individual performances. Groucho got much of the publicity later in their careers, but I believe Chico and Harpo were as talented as Groucho.
Look closely at some of the performances of Chico and Harpo together and you will observe genius at work.

I am thankful that Irving Thalberg gave them at shot at making more movies. It was our good fortune that he did and we have the privilege of viewing the clips of three of the most talented comic/actor/musicians on the planet!

Thank you for visiting our site,

Once again Happy Birthday Harpo.  You would have been 126 years old today!