Deanna Durbin
In this 1937 comedy In this 1937 comedy with music, Deanna Durbin persuades world-famous conductor Leopold Stokowki to conduct an orchestra of 100 unemployed musicians that includes her trombonist father, played by Adolphe Menjou.
We see the opening credits, during which Stokowski conducts a much abridged with music, Deanna Durbin persuades world-famous conductor Leopold Stokowki to conduct an orchestra of 100 unemployed musicians that includes her trombonist father, played by Adolphe Menjou.
Leopold Stokowki to conduct an orchestra of 100 unemployed musicians
We see the opening credits, during which Stokowski conducts a much abridged Tchaikovsky 5th Symphony finale, and the closing scene where the unemployed musicians and Deanna bring the movie to a close with a delightfully spontaneous and unrehearsed Verdi number.
(With acknowledgments to the DVD release in
'The Deanna Durbin Collection.')
Deanna Durbin with Alleluia
Reclusive former 1930s star Deanna Durbin, who became one of America's highest-paid actresses, dies aged 91
Deanna Durbin, a singing child movie star of the 1930s, who became one of the world's highest-paid actresses before turning her back on stardom, has died at the age of 91.
Her son Peter H. David was quoted as telling The Deanna Durbin Society newsletter that the actress died 'a few days ago', thanking her admirers for respecting her privacy.
No other details were given.
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Passed away: Deanna Durbin, a singing child movie star of the 1930s, who became one of the world's highest-paid actresses before turning her back on stardom, has died at the age of 91
The actress was born Edna Mae Durbin in Winnipeg, Canada, but moved to California with her British-born parents when she was young.
She broke into the film industry in 1936, aged 14, when she appeared in Every Sunday with Judy Garland, according to her biography on the IMDb film website.
She made her name playing the ideal teenage daughter in Three Smart Girls in 1936 and in its profitable follow-up the next year, One Hundred Men and a Girl, which was credited with saving Universal studios from bankruptcy.
Capitalizing on her fame, Universal cast Durbin in a series of musical movies including That Certain Age and Mad About Music, which made the actress with the sweet soprano voice into one of Hollywood's most popular stars.
Durbin shared a special Juvenile Award with Mickey Rooney at the 1938 Oscars for their 'significant contribution in bringing to the screen the spirit and personification of youth'.
Highest paid: Durbin, seen here in William A. Seiter's film It's a Date, was once one of America's highest-paid actresses
At age 25, Durbin was the second-highest-paid woman in America behind her fellow actress Bette Davis, according to the New York Times, and her fan club ranked as the world's largest during her active years.
But Durbin found fame hard to handle and despite trying to move on from her image as the perfect daughter with films such as Christmas Holiday (1944) and Lady on a Train (1945), she walked away from stardom aged about 28.
'I couldn't go on forever being Little Miss Fixit who burst into song,' she once said.
From 1949 she stayed out of the limelight, moving to France with her third husband, French director Charles David.
She gave only one interview in the following decades and rejected all offers of a comeback.
Her husband died in 1999.

Notable roles: Durbin starred in 100 Men And A Girl (One Hundred Men And A Girl), alongside Adolphe Menjou and Mischa Auer in 1937
From glen to glen, and down the mountainside.
The summer's gone, and all the roses falling,
It's you, it's you must go and I must bide.
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow,
It's I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow,
Oh, Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so!
If I am dead, as dead I well may be,
You'll come and find the place where I am lying,
And kneel and say an Ave there for me.
And I shall hear, though soft you tread above me,
And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be,
For you will bend and tell me that you love me,
And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me!
Deanna Durbin sings 'Danny Boy' for Charles Laughton adam28xx Published on May 2, 2013, As a tribute to Deanna Durbin, following her recent death at the age of 91, here's a scene from 'Because of Him' (1945). She's a stage-struck waitress who tricks a famous actor, played by Charles Laughton, into giving her his autograph without him knowing he's signing a 'Letter of Introduction'. Using this letter, she fools people into believing Laughton wants her as his leading lady in his next play. He soon rumbles her little scheme however and, finding her lacking in any acting experience, tells her she'll be ready to appear on the stage in a few year's time. While the phones for a cab to take her home, Deanna breaks into song with "Danny Boy," causing Laughton to relent and make her his leading lady after all. This was their second film together, their first having been "It Started with Eve" in 1941.
Diane Grant, I just love this, she had some voice, not like the rubbish you hear today
MAX BACON And the tripe we have now who call themselves singers.
ewis1936 What a voice, nothing like it today
musicloversingable Whenever I hear the voice of Deanna Durbin, I am always stopped in my tracks and tears begin to flow. Truly a beautiful round sound that seems to flow effortlessly. Also, she was a beautiful woman who seems to stand apart and above the din of the sordid everyday world. She should be much better known. I am certainly grateful to have heard her voice and seen her films.
John Baginski, She was one of the best singers in the world at that time.
Beth Miletti I was a little girl when I first discovered Deanna. She was 4 years older than me. When she sang opera, I was thrilled. Now I am 87, and I remember how she introduced me to the opera world. I have collected every area that Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo have ever sung. The "singers" of today mean nothing to me. I loved Doris Day of my era, but none of the recent performers. They make a mockery of the human voice.
earl cook I truly love this woman, not only because of her magnificent voice but the wonderful human being she is. more women should be like Deanna!!!!!
Courtney Graff I am a die-hard Jackie fan, and I kept hearing her being compared to Diana Durbin! I found this and other songs, and she had a wonderful voice!
David Gooler Anne Frank had a poster of Deanna Durbin on her wall in her hiding place when captured by Nazis alanna Borden She is amazing, I will protect her and her children, because Deanna gave happiness to all the world, because of her singing and her beautiful personality and her lovable face. I know she fills my heart with joy and happiness. Every time I heard her beautiful voice I smiled. I've seen every one of her movies, and I love her and her movies, and I will donate all my money to the Deanna Durbin
Devotees Thomas P. Regan That is a beautiful song and singing by an amazing woman.
Herman Joseph She retired from Hollywood because of the false image they wanted her to project. What a voice. It was ripe for the great lyric roles of opera We had gains and losses with the wondrous Deanna Durbin
Gordon Welke Deanna Durbin gave so many wonderful gifts to mankind as a whole. In just one itsy bitsy tiny film out of her so very many are ''Because of Him' with amazing Charles Laughton. I've seen many of her films but just now for the 1st time I watched her sing "Danny Boy" and when she finished I stood up & erupted in applause. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that I was actually in a Tim Horton's in downtown Toronto, Canada, so I was promptly arrested (kidding) but WOW, soul energizing. GordonKingWelke xo
Evy Hannes Unforgettable!! Thank you very much for this touching tribute to incredible Deanna Durbin. With love from Canada, Evy //