Kids singing North Korean Anthem

- 애국가 Aegukka, The Patriotic Song

Clips from the 2012 Unhasu Orchestra performance "Let's love the future". At the very beginning of the performance, children sang the DPRK national anthem "Aegukka"

Kids singing North Korean Anthem - 애국가 Aegukka, The Patriotic Song 

Let morning shine on this land's rivers and mountains,
Three thousand li full of silver and gold.
This is my beautiful fatherland
with a five millennia-long history.
Brought up in a brilliant culture
The glory of a wise people
Devoting our bodies and minds to this Korea,
Let us support it forever.

Embracing the atmosphere of Baekdu Mountain,
Nest for the spirit of labor,
The firm will be bonded with truth,
Will go forth to all the world.
Breasting the raging waves with soaring strength,
The country was established by the will of the people.
This limitlessly rich and strong Korea,
Let us glorify it forever. 

Let morning shine on the rivers and mountains of this land,
Three thousand ri abundant with natural wealth.
This is my beautiful fatherland
With a history of five millennia,
The glory of a wise people
Brought up in a brilliant culture.
Devoting our bodies and minds to this Korea,
Let the Way be obeyed.
Embracing the atmosphere of Baekdu Mountain,
Nest for the spirit of labor,
The firm will be bonded with truth,
Will go forth to all the world.
The country established by the will of the people,
Breasting the raging waves with soaring strength.
Glorifying forever this Korea, limitlessly rich and strong,
Let the Way be shone.

PuppetMask I've never seen such a thing. Everyone here sings this anthem as if it is the most important thing they will ever do. Even though they have nothing they love their country more than their own lives and have so much pride to be there. Everyone here, down to the last child, stands with pride as the definition of a patriot.
Yeah Kim my husband is from South Korea but I love the north Korean aegukka the tunes and the way they heart-melting  
Golden BisRuss Even the citizens of North Korea are great at singing their own National Anthem! AMAZING HOW THIS COUNTRY IS SO TALENTED!
Miku Bonnie Is it weird how this song is stuck in my head

삼지연 관현악단 서울공연 경음악 연주 고화질 


No Motherland Without You English Lyrics

 No Motherland Without You is a North Korean song dedicated to the Dear Leader, Kim Jong-il, who died in 2011. Although not the national anthem, it is seen as the anthem of Songun (military first) politics, created by Kim Jong-il to expand on Juche.

Biography: Supreme Leader of North Korea, 

Biography : Supreme Leader of North Korea , Kim Jong-il - Mind blowing Documentaries

Kim Jong Il People Who Changed the World

Kim Jong Il - People Who Changed the World





The best way to understand what's the fuzz going in Korea right now is to go back and review the history to have a better insight into the origin of hostilities plaguing us until today. 


The Greeks (RESPONSE) to the United Nations appeal for assistance in the Korean War 

Apparently, the following film is the most important documentary about the Korean War.  

This documentary is in Greek and portrays veterans and the historic events of the Korean War.  

We are very happy to know that English subtitles are included in this documentary.  

In a summary of the Korean War, we would get to know that the North Koreans attacked the South Koreans and as a result of this event the United Nations on the opposite side responded to help the South Koreans. 

16 Countries contributed their army to help the situation.  Greece was one of them.

Greece had just finished the brutal effects of Hitler's WW II and had no option of refusing to obey the orders of the United Nations.

In the history of Greece, not even in the wildest dreams of the Greek population, did the Greeks want to engage in a war with Koreans, either with North Korea or South Korea.

In fact, even at Greek schools at the time, the teachers told children that the Garden of Eden was somewhere in Korea.

Although there's was no option for anyone to refuse a military order, there were many thousands, maybe millions of unhappy people.

So Greeks ended up in a war that they never wanted to participate in.

While viewing the documentary, you will realize that the Greeks ended up fighting the Communist Chinese who had become involved in the Korean War as well.

As stated above, this is a very important documentary and it is advisable for anyone interested in the Korean War to view this film with patience and understanding.

IN 4 PARTS with English Subtitles


The Korean War began on June 25, 1950, when North Korea invaded South Korea. The War was greatly expanded when the United Nations, led by the United States, and later China entered the conflict. The conflict ended when a cease-fire was reached on July 27, 1953.  The Greek Expeditionary was formed in response to the United Nations appeal for assistance in the Korean War. 

Why Won’t North Korea Return Dead American Soldiers?

Kim's Nuclear Gamble North Korea

Kim's Nuclear Gamble North Korea 

Nuclear Nightmare Understanding N Korea 

Meet Kim Jong II, leader of North Korea - a nation imprisoned by poverty and with a population so hungry, people eat bugs and grass.

Now, this megalomaniacal dictator is holding the civilized world hostage with what many see as a cunning strategy of extortion, threatening to develop an arsenal of nuclear weapons. It's a strategy by which the United States has indicated it cannot abide.

In a joint production between the Discovery Channel and the New York Times, go behind the headlines to discover the little-understood origins and almost-stranger-than-truth facets of this dangerous confrontation.

See a side of Kim Jong Il rarely revealed - his love of slasher flicks and his affinity for prostitutes - and learn why the United States may have no other palatable option than to play ball with Kim, allowing him to continue his weapons development program.

It's quite literally a race against time - if North Korea, as it promises, goes into nuclear production mode, giving Kim as many as 10 nuclear bombs within six months, it would create a destabilizing offensive nuclear capability that could touch off a regional arms race...and even nuclear war. It's a game of international intrigue and high-stakes military strategy.

But more importantly, it's the story of destitute North Korea and its bizarre leader, and how he has brought the U.S. and the world face-to-face with the unimaginable.

this film details the history behind what brought North Korea into nuclear power.

In summary, Kim Jong Un came to power after they fought away the Japanese after WWII.

The Soviets and the Americans divided the country across the 38 parallel.

Kim took the lead to invade the South but after a tug of war between the two nations with China and the Soviet Union supporting the North and the US supporting the South, 3 years later, the war concluded back at the original line except with over 1 million casualties in the North and 400k S. Korean and 37k US casualties.

There was a period of lagging until Kim Jong Un started the nuclear program in order to gain bargaining power against the US for food aid/other resources.

All was well with the Clinton era until Bush came in and scrapped the entire deal. After the US invaded Iraq because of WMDs, DPRK decided to arm themselves in fear of what could happen to them.

Nuclear Nightmare - Understanding North Korea 

Why does China Support North Korea?

Mr. Rychehead So when it says made in China on something, it really means made in North Korea.
msperling  This vídeo is what I call wishful thinking. China profits politically a lot from this relation, having there an important ally. They will surely be good friends for a long time.
Cazzo1231 without the lips, the teeth will freeze 唇亡齿寒
Se Chen If not mistaken, Korea and China are allies before the US existed.
Richard Teh Only N. Korea could help stabilize peace in Asian countries


DPRK Friendship Art Troupe Dash Towards the Future

Moranbong Band (April 25, 2013) DPRK Music

Things You Didn't Know About N. Korea

10 Days in North Korea

Money & Power in North Korea. 

Money & Power in North Korea Hidden Economy North Korea 2015

North Korea, officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is a country in East Asia, in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. The name Korea is derived from the Kingdom of Goguryeo, also spelled as Koryŏ. 

At the end of World War II in 1945, the Korean Peninsula was divided into two zones along the 38th parallel, with the northern half of the peninsula occupied by the Soviet Union and the southern half by the United States.

Initial hopes for a unified, independent Korea evaporated as the politics of the Cold War resulted in the establishment of two separate states with diametrically opposed political, economic, and social systems.

Soviet General Terentii Shtykov recommended the establishment of the Soviet Civil Authority in October 1945 and supported Kim Il-sung as chairman of the Provisional People's Committee for North Korea, established in February 1946. During the provisional government, Shtykov's chief accomplishment was a sweeping land reform program that broke North Korea's stratified class system.

Landlords and Japanese collaborators fled to the South, where there was no land reform and sporadic unrest. Shtykov nationalized key industries and led the Soviet delegation to talks about the future of Korea in Moscow and Seoul.

In September 1946, South Korean citizens had risen up against the Allied Military Government. In April 1948, an uprising of the Jeju islanders was violently crushed.

The South declared its statehood in May 1948 and two months later the ardent anti-communist Syngman Rhee became its ruler. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea was established in the North on 9 September 1948. Shtykov served as the first Soviet Ambassador, while Kim Il-sung became Premier.

Soviet forces withdrew from the North in 1948 and most American forces withdrew from the South the following year.

Ambassador Shtykov suspected Rhee was planning to invade the North and was sympathetic to Kim's goal of Korean unification under socialism.

The two successfully lobbied Joseph Stalin to support a short blitzkrieg of the South, which culminated in the outbreak of the Korean War.

Money & Power in North Korea. 

Military Parade, 70th Anniversary of Workers' Party

Fabian Jollywigs  If North Korea ever got the Olympics their opening ceremony would be a thing of wonder.

North Korea Military Parade, 70th Anniversary of Workers' Party 

North Korea Documentary 2015 The Big Brother

North Korea Documentary 2015 The Big Brother

Life as a North Korean Defector

Laura Brennan Girl in a pink sweater: defects from North Korea (punishable by death in North Korea), has to completely re-learn everything she understands about society, politics, life, language, etc, and then learns English near-perfectly??? One day I hope to be as intelligent as her.

Life as a North Korean Defector 

lover of Kim Jong-un killed because of this 

The former lover of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has been executed by machine gun amid claims that she had been appearing in pornographic videos.

There is nothing wrong with this video and no verification of that statement


Secret Camouflage Completely Hides the North Korean Army

North Korea Army - Advanced Secret Camouflage Completely Hides North Korean Army
North Korea Nuclear War - Our Camouflage Will Protect Us

North Korea - All the dictator's men


What If North Korea And The U.S. Went To War?

What If North and South Korea Went To War?


North Korea's cinema of dreams

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il's love of film is well-documented, but few outsiders know that he is revered as a genius of cinema by his own people. On this episode of 101 East we gain a rare insight into the beating heart of North Korea's film industry. 

North Korea: The Great Illusion

After years of negotiations, Michaël Sztanke and Julien Alric secured a visa to get into North Korea.
After being censored on their first trip, they returned to find out how North Korean people live?
What is the real nature of this political regime?


Full-Length North Korea Documentary 2015: 

North Korea follows Songun, or "military-first" policy.
It is the world's most militarized society, with a total of 9,495,000 active, reserve, and paramilitary personnel.
Its active duty army of 1.21 million is the 4th largest in the world, after China, the U.S., and India.
It also possesses nuclear weapons.


Eating In North Korea 


Shopping in North Korea



Well, that was weird. We were only in North Korea for five days, but that was more than enough to make it clear that North Korea is every bit as weird as I always thought it was.

Mazot Hortlak  There was nothing fake or phony about those beautiful children performing immaculately what they spent years working on and perfecting.
Nothing phony about the "hugs" at the end and the sentiments expressed by the three visitors.
They literally grew up during this one-of-a-kind experience. You can call this "propaganda" all you want! I saw their "inner beauty" and innocence! That's what I saw! Thank you for this video!
I was truly touched, to say the least. Renewed respect for NK. It goes to show you: Humans are inherently good wherever they live on this blue planet, our home!

Mazot Hortlak  There was nothing fake or phony about those beautiful children performing immaculately what they spent years working on and perfecting.  Nothing phony about the 

North Korea: Communist Country

In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis – common, universal) is a social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state.

Communism includes a variety of schools of thought, which broadly include Marxism, anarchism (anarchist communism), and the political ideologies grouped around both.

All these hold in common the analysis that the current order of society stems from its economic system, capitalism, that in this system, there are two major social classes: the working class – who must work to survive, and who make up a majority of society – and the capitalist class – a minority who derive profit from employing the proletariat, through private ownership of the means of production.

(the physical and institutional means with which commodities are produced and distributed), and that political, social and economic conflict between these two classes will trigger a fundamental change in the economic system, and by extension a wide-ranging transformation of society.

The primary element which will enable this transformation, according to this analysis, is the social ownership of the means of production.

May you find this video informative 

In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis – common, universal) is a social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state. 

What do North Koreans Really Think about Their Country?

What do North Koreans Really Think about Their Country? 

North Korean female soldier

North Korean Bodyguards - Kim Jong Il Bodyguards



North Korean Moranbong Band: Marching - Marchando

Joseph Niyamosoth  I think North Korean women are the most beautiful on earth. 
Seet just beautiful band and pretty girls, I liked it very much
Jagadish Radhakrishnan This much talent in North Korea? Amazing!!! 
RadMir Korea surprised the world. Korea is a good country. Korea is a country of high culture!
Jagadish Radhakrishnan  This much talent in North Korea? Amazing!!! 
Marino Tagliapietra  Incredibly attractive young women 
gustavo ibraim Ceron  Congratulations to the young people of the Army of North Korea (Brazil) 


North Korea children: You won't see this in western media - Você não verá na Globo


North Korea Kids Outrageously Performing

North Korea Kids Outrageously Performing POST IN FLYERMALL by SPYROS PETER GOUDAS 

Korean War in Colour

Dow Par  That war was like two boxers going 15 rounds. Brutal for both sides.
braven117 All this shit happened because the USSR and the US split the country in two.
They had no right to do that.
Sherry Yeh  Mao kicked MacArthur's ass, bent him over, and fucked him hard in the ass until MacArthur packed up and ran for his life!
Guilherme Aquino  This documentary is only American propaganda. That's it
Damien McC   I have never seen such a load of historically, totally inaccurate rubbish in my whole life!!!!

The Reunion Awaited for Half a Century (2000)

jcm96 These wonderful hopes were turned on again in 2018, but once again south Koreans failed to show a truly independent spirit and yielded to pressure from the US, their master.

Korean TV: Kim Jong Un meets Donald Trump 

Alessio K.C  Omg if Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump become friends it will restore the whole of humanity in the world 
Jeffrey Richardson  Michael's window of opportunity.
Francis RG   It's time for the peace. God bless Donald Trump.
redrum murder As much as I hate Trump I got to admit this is impressive I don't see
a lot of other presidents being able to pull this off
AriMo91  I am not a Trump fan at all whatsoever, however, I can give him props.
Progress over politics 
Kevin  At least this is one step in the right direction  
मेरो सरकार  Peace for humanity, History making time.
Joanie Macabenta  Only Trump made this happen! Oppositions are now crying. They don't believe that this is happening. Hello, Obama, Bush, and Clinton! Where art thou?
Super Thunder Gamer  HISTORIC! This is history in the making and I’m witnessing it! WOW

Philip Low Koreans are one people and must live in peace and harmony.

Oluebube Madudingambu  Peace is one of the greatest things on earth.
North Korean Military Parade 2021



North Korean Military Parade 2021

 North Korea celebrated its 73rd foundation anniversary