phone: 514-353-2202

Hello Everyone:   Hola todo el Mundo: 

Are you fed up with the snow, cold,  freezing rain, long winters, lack of sunshine and short days? 

The national anthem of Canada. O Canada.

Tired of the traffic congestion in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, or any other city in Canada?

Are you fed up of hamburgers, T-bone steak, roasted potatoes, bags of chips or junk food?

Are you ready for a moment of pleasure in the sun, with a view of the Caribbean Sea? 

What view do you presently have in your apartment or 44th floor Condo that you paid $1 Million plus for 750 sq? feet?  Can you imagine, the bathroom is so small there is not enough room for a toilet.

Are you ready to kick off your shoes, unwind from the frustration, the aggravation, the inflation of prices and the high cost of living?

We have the solution for you.  COME TO CUBA. 

I am the right man to talk to.  I know Cuba from north to south, from east to west. 

I will find a place for you to protect you from the hurricanes and typhoons. 

I have the perfect spot for you under the coconut tree. 

You can enjoy the tequila sunrise, ice, ice cold.

I will also make sure you view images of girls having fun similar to the one below.

For the ladies, we have the alternative but cannot post them.

You will have a superb breakfast including all the fruits in the world and your nighttime meal will be seafood of all kinds, not frozen but fresh, fresh, and I mean fresh from the Ocean. 

Do you really understand what I am trying to say?  

Later at night, we will take to the dance floor under the moonlight, there you will have the opportunity to meet Mr. Vic Tanny, Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers and all the other individuals who have weight loss programs in Canada to teach you how to lose some of the extra weight that you carry around your waist and bum from the excess of junk food. 

I promise you will have the vacation of a lifetime

You will feel good, rejuvenated and your pockets will not be severely damaged. 

You will have a chance to see some of the most beautiful and original cars in the world, spotlessly clean and shining like new.

I know one guy in Toronto with a car similar to those in Cuba.  My good friend Spyros Peter Goudas.  

By the way, when you are in Cuba you may have a chance to meet Mr. Nikos Kladitis and Mrs. Vasiliki Aphantitis who have dedicated themselves to feeding underprivileged children in Piura, Peru, and Cuba. 

If you cannot help them financially, at least congratulate them on the good work they are doing.

Click here to view the article about  Mr. Nikos Kladitis and Mrs. Vasiliki Aphantitis

Before you begin your trip to the beautiful island of Cuba, we suggest that you read the article titled Castro (Fidel Castro) in Tubes.  

It is a friendly reminder that Cuba is Castro and Castro is Cuba to billions of people from all ethnicities around the world.  

Please click on the image to view and read the story of this young boy.

Before you begin your trip to the beautiful island of Cuba, we suggest that you read the article titled Castro (Fidel Castro) in Tubes.    It is a friendly reminder that Cuba is Castro and Castro is Cuba to billions of people from all ethnicities around the world.    Please click on the image to view and read the story of this young boy. 

Cuba is sending its medics to Lombardy to help Italian doctors fight the coronavirus outbreak.

Cuban doctors were on the frontlines in the fight against cholera in Haiti and against Ebola in West Africa 10 years ago.

Peter Solar channel Cuban doctors are some of the best-educated in the world. Respect.
Shams US should lift sanctions on Cuba and let this nation help others.
Philisiwe Makhaye May all these heroes be protected.
phục êwê We need more human beings like this. Bravo!
peter Solar channel Cuban doctors are some of the best-educated in the world. Respect
Eunsang's halo Even I'm not Italian but thank you Cuba.
Rami Sebit Cuba saved my family during the Ogaden War times in East Africa.
Mario M As an Italian all I can say is: Grazie Cuba! With all my heart. No Italian will forget this. And according to the U.S. which is our major “ ally “ you should be our enemy... Long live Cuba! Hasta la victoria, Siempre!
Marpally Jyothi This show's still humanity exist, thank you for your kind heart
Rozsa van Rooij Being a doctor, this makes me tear up. Thank you, Cuba!

PERU AND CUBA MISSION Hello friends and supporters:

This Article takes you to a world you may not know existed.