Lo specchio della vita - Mahalia Jackson - Gospel

White Christmas
O Come All Ye Faithful
Silent Night, Holy Night

 Mahlia Jackson's funeral was held at today (January 31, 1972) at The Arie Crown Theater, where singers like Sammy Davis Jr, Aretha Franklin, Ella Fitzgerald, Lou Rawls and Dick Gregory paid their respects.

Mahalia at the Dentist and more!! I remember back when I 1st got this video I was so excited and happy I stayed up late all by myself and watched it alone being it seemed as if I was the only one who loved Mahalia Jackson.

Anyway I regreted watching it all alone because it scared me so bad at the end!!

After her funeral they have her singing: The Lords Prayer and its as if shes singing at her own funeral. She sang the song so awesome.

it had me all in the Spirit about to cry and here I am all in the Spirit of the Lord next thing you know I jumped out of my skin!! The Spirit of the Lord left me so quick!!!

They were so wrong for ending that video like that!! And I had the volume all turned up!! Yet today it still scares me!! lol I love the way she talks she reminds me of some of my old Ken Folks.

And when she started talking about Neckbones, I was like oh my now thats my kind of food!! I think Ima ask my mamma to cook me some Smoked Neckbones with Potatos, I cant cook em like she can!! I remember one of my Aunts had love Neckbones so much she use to cook Baked Beans with Smoked Neckbones inside.

I thought it was weird because we always had hotdogs, but it was sooo good!!

Oh and dont forget to turn your volume up high. lol just kidding.

Enjoy this interview from late in Mahalia's life. She was telling it like it is!