Elaine Sarantakos
Elaine Sarantakos was born in Toronto, Canada.
Her father was born inStefania, Lakonia, a small village between Gytheio and Skala.
He relocated to Canada as a young, teenager.
Her maternal grandparents left the region of Greece sometimes called West Macedonia for Australia, and emigrated to Canada, where her mother was born.
Like so many Greeks of their generation, her family left Greece to find a better opportunity abroad.
She is widely regarded as one of the leading experts in the world on the issue of travel.
She has demonstrated that with the right research and ingenuity that one can travel the world on, virtually, any budget.
Elaine Sarantakos is a Life Coach & Travel Host inspiring people internationally to live out their fab life of their dreams.
Hola People! Here you you find videos on travel lifestyle, travel and inspirational living to live out your dreams. XOXO
Life Coach: Never Give Up - The Spartan Law
This is the Spartan law. It had me thinking of how their belief system was so strong in never giving up, and what they did daily in training to be who they were.
I think this would be a good mantra for us to use in our personal lives for our goals and dreams.
Never retreat, never surrender! As my ancestors said, Aroo! lol No, seriously, my Dad is Spartan and oh so proud. :P Fight for your dreams because no one else will fight for them!
Here are my couchsurfing experiences from Madrid, Cabrils, Havana, NYC, Paris, London, New Orleans, Cartagena, a couchsurfing picnic meet-up, hosting Australians, as well as giving walking tours in Toronto.
I forgot to mention when I was in Athens, I stayed at the person I did a walking tour for from Greece
Welcome to my Greek island inspired kitchen. I moved two weeks ago, and will be showing you in the next upcoming videos how to decorate your kitchen like a Greek island.
I know whenever I go to Greece, I get really happy to be on the islands, so I wanted to incorporate some of that happiness in my kitchen as I have my morning coffee for a fraction of the cost!
Travelling to Niagara Falls, Canada for the day with megabus.com from Toronto for $2.82 return with a seat sale, my Mom and I ( Elaine Sarantakos) went on a travel adventure.
In this video we show you our experiences in Niagara Falls, Ontario including: Clifton Hill, The Frankenstein House, The Crystal Cave Maza, Boston Pizza, The Rainbow Bridge, The Falls, Margaritaville & Niagara Fallsview Casino.
Unfortunately we ran out of time to go to The Imax theatre.
Winter is the low season in Niagara Falls, but we still had so much fun! It's an excellent day trip from Toronto. We couldn't really see the Falls because of the winter weather.
The Frankenstein House was a bit scary, I won't lie. My Mom and I were screaming in fear. ahhhhhhhh! LOL We loved The Crystal Caves where we walked through a maze of mirrors.
Be careful you don't walk into a mirror. lol! They played Michael Jackson's song man in the mirror which went nicely to the theme.
We used coupons from a book for a few dollar saving! $$$$ We had lunch at Boston Pizza which is right of Clifton Hill. We play $10 each on the slot machines in The Niagara Fallsview Casino.
I didn't do too well, and stopped as soon as I lost $10. Money is supposed to be spent on travel, not on slot machines. When we first arrived in Niagara Falls there was no snow.
By the time we left, it looked like a winter wonderland. I hope you enjoy my video
Sexy Gap Teeth How to Get Confident
Ego Den Boro | Εγώ δεν μπορώ Bellydance
Elaine Sarantakos improv bellydancing to a Greek song called Ego Den Boro by Makis Dimakis. The original is in Arabic called Tamally Maak by Amr Diab.
I have been taking bellydance for a year & a half. Enjoy!
The information about Elaine Sarantakos along with what she portrays into her website in conjunction with the write-up of the story making the film, editing, and posting on the web is an enormous amount of work on her part.
Obviously, there are individuals helping her to do all this, definitely a camera man.
The website is very informative with respect to travelling, which is a plus to travellers.
Her abilities and talent is something that I would like to give her credit for.
In my opinion, in my prediction, should she continue this effort, she will have one of the best travelling websites in the world.
I will have a short biography of Elaine Sarantakos in the near future.
In the meantime, clicking into any of the links she have provided you will find more videos she has created.