FIDEL CASTRO The Untold Story
Whether dismissed as a relic or revered as a savior, all agree that Fidel Castro, nearing 44 years as the leader of Cuba, is one of the most influential and controversial figures of our time.
Rarely are Americans given a chance to see inside the world of this socialist leader.
The new documentary film FIDEL by Estela Bravo offers a unique opportunity to view the man through exclusive interviews with Castro himself, historians, public figures and close friends, with rare footage from the Cuban State archives.
Alice Walker, Harry Belafonte, and Sydney Pollack discuss Fidel as a person, while former and current US government figures including Arthur Schlesinger, Ramsey Clark, Wayne Smith, Congressman Charles Rangel, and a former CIA agent offer political and historical perspectives on Castro and the long-standing US embargo against Cuba.
Family members and close friends, including Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, offer a window into the rarely seen personal life of Fidel.
To fully understand the story look at the life of Batista
Fulgencio Batista: Cuba's Military Dictator
the Secret Life of Fidel Castro
How many times the CIA tried to assassinate him and failed.!!
From CIA assassination attempts foiled by Cuban Intelligence agents to Castro's secret pacts with the Soviets and his survival after the Cold War, a look at one of the most enduring revolutionaries of the twentieth century.
EnzZo Everyone here seems to be a leader. People die in war, no happy endings. Fidel did what he had to do.
Eevee kitty dog Cooper VIVA FIDEL !! Long Live the PEOPLES REVOLUTION !!
What Cuba Was Like Under Castro Part 2
"Cuba an island of Dreams"
Cuban Revolution (Fidel Castro Raul Castro Che Guevara)
Fidel Castro. 2002
Este filme retrata a vida do cubano Fidel Castro.
Seus amores, amigos, prisões e sua ideologia política são mostradas de uma forma surpreendente.
Um filme de guerra, uma guerra cheia de pequenas batalhas, mas com grandes ideais, você vai assistir e recomendar.
Fidel Castro Interview by Ted Turner
"The Cuban Missile Crisis" Declassified
Fidel Castro interview Barbara Walters
Bodyguard reveals the lifestyle of Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro led Cuba for a half-century
Fidel Castro Ruz 12 August 2016 10:34 p.m.
Fidel Castro, who led Cuba for a half-century, dies at 90
Communist leader Fidel Castro ruled the island of Cuba with an iron fist for almost half a century until he handed over power to his brother eight years ago.
Hari Sreenivasan reports on his life and times and his ongoing discord with the U.S.
Fidel Castro Death Cubans Mourn the Passing
TO FIGHT FOR PEACE IS THE MOST SACRED DUTY OF ALL HUMAN BEINGSSadly almost all religions have had to lament the destructive occurrence of wars and their terrible consequences. They have had to devote their greatest energies to those tasks.
The singular importance of the meeting between Pope Francis and His Holiness Cyril in Havana is that it has aroused the hope of the peoples of the world.
Peace has been the golden dream of humankind and the desire of people throughout history. Thousands of nuclear weapons hang over the heads of humankind. To prevent the most brutal of wars that could be launched has undoubtedly been the fundamental purpose of the effort by religious leaders of churches headed by men such as Pope Francis, Pontifex Maximus of the Roman Catholic Church, and His Holiness Cyril, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.
To fight for peace is the most sacred duty of all human beings, whatever their religion or country of birth may be, whatever the color of their skin, adult or adolescent.
Fidel Castro Ruz 14 February 2016 10:18 p.m.
The War on Cuba — Episode 1