Dolly Parton - True Story - profile


Dolly Parton reveals why she wrote hit song


A reporter asks Dolly Parton her breast size



Dolly Parton - Historical Archive of Dolly Rebecca Parton

Her life is a rags-to-rhinestones story come true which began on January 19, 1946 and remains as vibrant, successful and relevant as ever.

You’re invited to take a walk in Dolly’s six-inch heels to explore the life of a true American icon.
Read, watch, and listen as the journey of Dolly Parton unfolds.

Dollywood Theme Park

Known for its down-home charm, this world-famous 150-acre theme park is as unique as its namesake and owner Dolly Parton.

From award-winning shows to educational craft demonstrations and ground-breaking rides and attractions, Dollywood offers something for everyone and every interest, so the whole family can experience the park together.


Hello God- Dolly Parton

A friend of mine for many years who live in St Lousia in the Caribean sent me the following song to post with Dolly Parton, which fits the coronavirus times that we living.
The surprize part is the comments of people.


CORONA VIRUS 3    You may view  1   2   4   under coronavirus


Abraham Sowah Who is here in 2020 and realize the song matches with what is going on in the world now. coronavirus
BJane58 The woman is a genius. She is the best thing that ever happened in the music world. What a song!
Dunsin Craft Collection_ DCC Who is listening to this in 2020??? Help us, Lord, during this coronavirus epidemic
Lilly Mwogah Who is watching this during this coronavirus pandemic? Hello God, give us one more chance to prove ourselves to you, Hello God, hello God.
Mal P Anyone listening to this song in today's time? With everything happening around us this song holds so true...Hello, God, are you listening we are in great need of your love 
Nicole Nadeau, This is the most beautiful song ever! 
Barr_Charles McDowell, I'm just listening to this for the first time, To be honest, my heart and soul is filled with God's love, I know he has heard our prayers and will forgive us.
Ruth Ubani This is the most beautiful song ever written and sang by the best voice ever exited. Father God forgive us and let your grace abound.
Brittney Robinson A beautiful song to match a beautiful voice, and a beautiful person inside and out!
thebeta53 not only is the song beautiful, but every word is true. 


Tragic Details About Dolly Parton

There's no denying that Dolly Parton is an American institution and a country music legend.
But despite her distinguished career as a singer, writer, actor, and director, Dolly has endured an incredible number of challenges and tragedies throughout her life.
From her humble beginnings to her early struggles to her darkest moments, here's the tragic real-life story of Dolly Parton.
Dolly Parton was born in 1946 in a one-room cabin in Locust Ridge, Tennessee, the fourth child of an illiterate sharecropper and a housewife who birthed 12 kids before the age of 35.
Life wasn't exactly easy for the Parton family. The nights were excruciatingly cold, she shared a bed with her younger siblings and the children often had to wash in a river using soap they made themselves.
But Parton isn't bitter about her hardscrabble roots. In fact, she told People magazine that she's grateful for the lessons her parents taught her in thrift and financial responsibility.
She said: "No matter how much money I make, I'll always count my blessings quicker and more often than I count my money.
" Luckily, Parton's wild and free-ranging childhood in the Appalachian Mountains has provided endless songwriting inspiration.
One of her first big hits, "Coat of Many Colors," tells the story of a coat a mother lovingly sews for her daughter out of donated rags.
The coat draws mockery from the girl's schoolmates, but she knows that, while her family might be short of money, they're at least rich with love. It's no surprise that the story has its roots in Parton's own childhood.

Dolly Parton Opens Up About Faith After The "Affair Of The Heart" That Nearly Ended Her Life

J A I love Dolly. Life happens, the important point is, she Loves Carl Dean, they have worked it out and that is their business. I respect her for all she has done for many people. She is a beautiful, loving, and kind soul. She is human, like all of us. Remember when you point one finger at a person, 4 fingers are pointing back at you. She is a Christian, and even Christians make mistakes. That is why we aren’t hanging on the cross. She is definitely one lady who I grew up listening to and still listen to, to this day. I am in my 50’s. Please don ‘t judge. I am glad she pulled through depression, and I have been in this dark place. It isn’t fun. I am glad her pup (Popeye) and her faith helped lifted her out of depression. We are all Blessed, and we need to treat each other decently. I think that quality is one quality that is lacking in many folks today. Thank you for reading.

Tigress 1 I respect and admire Dolly Parton for many reasons~for ones, she has never forgotten from where she came and the hardship growing up as a child. She is a smart, savvy businesswoman and doesn't take crap from anyone.
Alexandra Asbury What a wonderful story! I believe it truly was God's intervention, just as she does. I had a somewhat similar encounter. My oldest brother brought me a clown doll when I was in the hospital, in an eight-day coma, due to a virus that swelled my brain (I had encephalitis). I had later found out that he put it in my arms while I was out like a rock, comatose. That doll moved, I guess in my dreams, talked to me, comforted me, while my family and friends were praying that I'd live, and that I would do so without any permanent type of damage. It was like God sent me an angel. I woke up in a major hospital, 40+ miles from my home and not the hospital that I was originally taken to. Upon coming out of it, the nurses were impressed at how calm and sharp I was. You know, they ask you what year it is, who's the president, stuff like that, etc... Dolly did experience a miracle from God. I know. I had one, also!! God bless Dolly and all of you!!

Katherine Hayes not many people could have accomplished what she has done with her faith in God and still be so down to earth. She is a legend in her own time
Kenny & Dolly: An Intimate Conversation originally aired December 9, 2013, on Great American Country. The majority of the special was filmed in 2009 prior to the release of Kenny & Dolly's 2009 duet, "Tell Me That You Love Me". The black and white portions were filmed in 2013 prior to the release of their 2013 duet, "You Can't Make Old Friends".

Dolly Parton Shares the Origin Story of Her Biggest Assets

Dolly gets Jimmy riled up with talk about her perfume, her Grand Ole Opry anniversary special, how her acrylic nails helped make "9 to 5" a hit, and a risqué story about getting more than she paid for at a pancake house.

Dolly Parton Full Interview on The Queen Latifah Show


Dolly Parton Didn’t Let Elvis Sing “I Will Always Love You”


EXCLUSIVE: Dolly Parton's half-billion-dollar music and business empire


The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (1982) - A Lil' Ole Bitty Pissant Country Place Scene (2/10)


FILM DESCRIPTION: Miss Mona (Dolly Parton) runs the Chicken Ranch, a brothel with a long history in a small Texas town. The locals have a good relationship with the institution, and Mona is respected in the community. The sheriff, Ed Earl Dodd (Burt Reynolds), also looks out for the Chicken Ranch due to his past with Miss Mona. However, when pious reporter Melvin Thorpe (Dom DeLuise) exposes the brothel, outside interests want it shut down, putting the governor (Charles Durning) in a tough spot.

The Stunning Transformation Of Dolly Parton