Hello everybody

Spyros Peter Goudas

This is a story of a particular CD that somebody gives me as a gift in around 1999 or 2000.

This CD did not have any name or identification, but one thing is for sure it contained a selection of Italian music or opera of some kind.

Since I'm in the food business and people visit me from many parts of the world to my base in Toronto, Canada -- I'm referring to my suppliers; in this case, I always have in my car several varies of music from different nationalities to satisfy the music requirements of their own language and country.

If I have to take my visit to a tour around the city I may as well play the music that they are accustomed to.

Since Italian music is special music and is being well known to many nationalities; the request to play this particular CD was quite an often event.

At one particular time within the record, the singer was either Luciano Pavarotti or Andrea Bocelli.

A second person came up, and the moment that he reveals the first note the crowd went wild clapping and screaming.

I was always curious to find out who was that particular person with no success until sometime in the year 2015 a visitor happened to be in my car and he asks me to play some opera as we were touring the city of Toronto.

When with the CD we ended up on the above names and when the person started singing my visitor mentioned that this particular singer's name was Lucio Dalla.

I make a note of the name and then when I have the time I explore that name within Wikipedia, YouTubepedia, Twitterpedia, etc, and any other media.

I found this man's life story extraordinary since he was a producer, songwriter, composer, singer and any other name related to the music.

His life story has inspired me to spend time, an effort focusing, cropping pictures; enhancing the position of them, writing up a few things; and by the time I finish my whole job I thought that are millions out there who they don't really know what the name Lucio Dalla is all about.

If you are one of the people who know who Lucio Dalla is, then you don't have to take my recommendations.

But, if you don't know; or never heard of that name before then my effort to portray him to you is not going to waste because you may have heard his voice somewhere or one of his songs sung by someone else which in this case you probably agree with me that he was one of the greatest talents in the history of music;

You may agree with me in the statement that I make below that not only will he be missed from the people from his own town or even Italy in that matter but be missed from all over the world.

I would like to thank my supplier Spyros Haliotis who accidentally revealed Lucio Dalla's name to me.

Now, please view some of the clips that I select for you including his funeral.

Spyros Peter Goudas in the article about Liberia 


O Sole Mio- Eros Ramazzotti

Lucio Dalla Gianni Morandi


O Sole Mio- Eros Ramazzotti  Lucio Dalla Gianni Morandi 

Dear viewers of Tubes:
We try everything possible to have the correct link for our videos.

However, in some cases, certain links are no longer operating.

In other instances, there is a claim statement regarding copyright, etc.
We have left the title of the song should any of you wish to view this particular video, which shows Lucio Dalla in his glory.
Regards, The FlyerMall Team
Love Italian music,..composers ..singers,…they manage to create the most wonderful music ever,…Thank you Aris for sharing, was exactly what I needed,..right now

Che bella cosa na jurnata 'e sole.

Ma n'atu sole
cchiù bello, oje ne'.
O sole mio
sta 'nfronte a te!
O sole
O sole mio
sta 'nfronte a te!
sta 'nfronte a te!

Quanno fa notte e 'o sole se ne scenne,
me vene quase 'na malincunia;
sotto 'a fenesta toia restarria
quanno fa notte e 'o sole se ne scenne.

English Translation

What a wonderful thing a sunny day
The serene air after a thunderstorm
The fresh air and a party are already going on…
What a wonderful thing a sunny day.

But another sun,
that’s brighter still
It’s my own sun
that’s in your face!
The sun, my own sun
It’s in your face!

"’ O sole Mio" is a globally known Neapolitan song written in 1898.

Its lyrics were written by Giovanni Capurro and the music was composed by Eduardo di Capua.

There are other versions of "’ O Sole Mio" but it is usually sung in the original Neapolitan language

’O sole Mio is the Neapolitan equivalent of standard Italian Il sole Mio and translates literally as "my sunshine"

In 1898, Giovanni Capurro wrote the words to 'O Sole Mio and asked Eduardo Di Capua (who at the time was in Odessa with his orchestra-violinist father) to set it to music.

 'O Sole Mio became famous. Even so, it made little money for its creators.

Capurro lived in financial scarcity his entire life. An artist for art's sake, he was not concerned about receiving credit for his best-known creation. For thirty years he was associated with the newspaper Rome as a reporter, drama critic, and, late in life, as an administrative employee. Capurro was a devotee of lounges where he sang, played the piano and did amusing imitations.

Capurro died in 1920

The performance of this trio was unbelievable.  This song, O Sole Mio is loved across all nationalities and we would like to give credit to Giovanni Capurro, Eduardo D Capua.

This song has been recorded by many artists over the years with variations in tones, voices, etc.

Today we focus on Lucio Dalla which we believe to be one of the best, even today, although he is no longer with us.

Luciano Pavarotti & Lucio Dalla

Luciano Pavarotti interpreta "Caruso" junto a Lucio Dalla. Ocurrió durante el primero de los conciertos de Pavarotti & Friends de Modena (Italia) el año 1992. 
Song " Caruso " performed by Luciano Pavarotti and Lucio Dalla. It happened at the first of the Pavarotti & Friends concerts from Modena (Italy), the year 1992.


Apriti Cuore - Lucio Dalla

In questa notte calda di Ottobre, apriti cuore 
non stare li in silenzio senza dir niente 
Non ti sento, non ti sento, da troppo tempo non ti sento 
e ti ho tenuto lontano dalla gente 
Quanti giorni passati senza un gesto d'amore 
con i falsi sorrisi e le vuote parole. 
Ho perfino pensato in questa notte di Ottobre 
di buttarti via......di buttarti via

Ah lo so il cuore non e' un calcolo 
freddo e matematico 
lui non sa dov'e' che va 
sbaglia si ferma, e riprende
E il suo battito non e' logico 
e' come un bimbo libero 
appena dici che non si fa 
lui si volta e si offende 
Non lasciarlo mai solo come ho fatto io 
Lascia stare il potere, il denaro che non e' il tuo Dio 
o anche tu rimarrai senza neanche un amico

Lucio Dalla - Caruso


Lucio Dalla - Attenti Al Lupo

Lucio Dalla - Attenti Al Lupo 

Lucio Dalla, Attenti al lupo, Festival de Viña 1995

Un recuerdo y homenaje para uno de los grandes de la música italiana, LUCIO DALLA y su presentación en el Show del Festival Internacional de la Canción de Viña del Mar 1995...Encuentra más vídeos de LUCIO DALLA en nuestro Canal Histórico...Recuerda, somos el Canal Histórico del Festival Internacional de la Canción de Viña del Mar...Suscríbete! y síguenos en:

Lucio Dalla, Attenti al lupo, Festival de Viña 1995 

"Senza Lucio" il film su Lucio Dalla

Il film racconta Lucio Dalla attraverso gli occhi di chi gli è stato più vicino negli ultimi dieci anni, Marco Alemanno: tutti conosciamo Dalla, non solo irripetibile autore e musicista ma anche personaggio pubblico che ognuno, almeno a partire dagli anni '70, sente come mito o compagno di strada, come icona di creatività, ironia e libertà, ma anche un po' come parte della propria vita e della propria famiglia.

Lucio Dalla - Canzone


Lucio Dalla - Le rondini (con testo)

Una poesia in musica di un grande artista che resterà per sempre nel nostro cuore nel mio video

Lucio Dalla - Le rondini (con testo)  Una poesia in musica di un grande artista che resterà per sempre nel nostro cuore nel mio video

Lucio Dalla - Lunedì


Lucio Dalla e Francesco De Gregori Ma come fanno i marinai


Lucio Dalla, La última Luna, Festival de Viña 1995

Un recuerdo y homenaje para uno de los grandes de la música italiana, LUCIO DALLA y su presentación en el Show del Festival Internacional de la Canción de Viña del Mar 1995...Encuentra más vídeos de LUCIO DALLA en nuestro Canal Histórico...Recuerda, somos el Canal Histórico del Festival Internacional de la Canción de Viña del Mar

The best of LUCIO DALLA

The best of Lucio Dalla:

- 4 marzo 1943
- Attenti al lupo
- Anna e Marco
- Balla balla ballerino
- Cara
- Chissà se lo sai
- Com'è profondo il mare
- Cosa sarà
- Disperato erotico stomp
- L'anno che verrà
- La canzone di Orlando
- La casa in riva al mare
- La sera dei miracoli
- Milano
- Se io fossi un angelo
- Stella di mare


Muore Lucio Dalla: il ricordo degli amici 

Lucio Dalla - Concerto 1994 Milano

SStroncato da un infarto nella sua stanza dell'Hotel Plaza di Montreux, in Svizzera, dopo una serata di ennesimo successo e una colazione con i suoi più stretti collaboratori. Lucio Dalla è morto nella cittadina svizzera che si affaccia sul lago Lemano. E' sceso nel salone dell'albergo per fare colazione con i suoi musicisti intorno alle 9,30. Ha bevuto il solito caffè, ha spizzicato qualcosa dal buffet, poi è risalito in camera col consueto passo saltellante da folletto allegro: "Ciao cari, ci vediamo dopo", ha detto a coristi e strumentisti. Meno di un'ora dopo, alle 10,30, Lucio Dalla è morto stroncato da un infarto, nella camera del Montreux Palace, l'albergo più lussuoso della cittadina svizzera.

Lucio Dalla gay che non si nascondeva l'outing del Tg La7

Per il Tg di La 7 Lucio Dalla era un omosessuale che non nascondeva di esserelo. Ci siamo persi il coming out di Lucio Dalla?
Lo avranno notato in pochi, una frase detta in mezzo ad un servizio celebrativo e strappa lacrime di La 7che parla della morte di Lucio Dalla.

Lo avranno notato in pochi ma per chi lo ha sentito è stata come una doccia fredda, come quando la puntina graffia il vinile e finisce la musica, come un'unghia sulla lavagna. Mentre si commemora Dalla nel giorno della sua morte la giornalista parla della sua omosessualità «Lui omosessuale che non nascondeva di esserlo», dice la giornalista.
Un outing post mortem, una cosa davvero di cattivo gusto. Perché viola la privacy di una persona che adesso non può più replicare. Lucio Dalla non aveva mai fatto coming out, non aveva mai dichiarato di essere omosessuale, la cosa che dice la giornalista è falsa e violenta.

La vita affettiva di Dalla è sempre stata oggetto di indiscrezioni, molte smentite, ma soprattutto sono sempre stati affari suoi. I commenti non si fanno attendere.
«Era la sua scelta ed è stata violata dopo la sua morte. Perché oggi Tg la7 ha dovuto dire che Dalla era omosessuale? Che lo fosse o meno, cosa cambia rispetto all'opera dell'artista? Come sempre si è forti con chi non può replicare e deboli con i potenti!», lo scrive su facebook Aurelio Mancuso, «presidente di Equality Italia».
«Una cosa orrenda - dice Carlo Cremona, presidente di i Ken Onlus- l'ho scritto anche su facebook, è un vero peccato quando uno non si svela durante la vita, perché fa conoscere solo una parte di sé, ma Dalla aveva scelto così. Si è sempre parlato dei suoi amori, sempre poi sconfessati dai protagonisti, fino ad arrivare a scelte molto radicali per difendere la sua privacy.

Lui è sempre stato molto riservato e trovo di pessimo gusto questo outing. Vuol dire sputtanare la riservatezza di una persona violare la sua vita privata, anche se era il segreto di pulcinella andava rispettato. Dalla appartiene ad una generazione di artisti diversa da quella di Tiziano Ferro o Ricky Martin. In passato forse si temeva di danneggiare la propria immagine, turbando i propri fan e quindi crendo un danno alle major discografiche.

Oggi sappiamo tutti che non è così, ci sono artiste come Madonna e Lady Gaga che hanno fondato gran parte della loro carriera diventando icone lgbt»
Coming out e carriera, certo, e poi la politica. Fare coming out è un gesto profondamente politico perché svelando il proprio orientamento sessuale si diventa in qualche modo un simbolo, che lo si voglia o no. E non più un simbolo musicale, artistico, attoriale, si diventa un simbolo per la battaglia per i diritti lgt.

Anche se non si è parte del movimento. Per questo motivo è una scelta difficile ed assolutamente personale. L'outing è invece una violenza davvero gratuita, soprattutto quando si parla di qualcuno che non c'è più. La leggerezza e la discrezione di Dalla, la sua memoria, non meritavano una azione così di cattivo gusto.

Lucio  Gino Paoli in Sapore di sale


Dalla e De Gregori al concerto del I

maggio 2011

Lucio Dalla - Piazza grande

Lucio Dalla - Piazza grande Dal Festival di Sanremo 1972 un brano storico per Bologna e tutti i bolognesi.POSTED IN FLYERMALL.COM BY SPYROS PETER GOUDAS 

Lucio Dalla - Canzone


a TU x TU con - Lucio Dalla

Ray Charles & Lucio Dalla

Ray Charles & Lucio Dalla 

Un anno senza Lucio-POP Speciale Lucio Dalla



Gigi D'Alessio e Lucio Dalla - Piazza Grande - Gigi, questo sono io (4.03.2010)




On the morning of 1 March 2012, three days before his 69th birthday, Dalla died from a heart attack. An estimated 50,000 people attended his funeral in Bologna.

With all respect, FlyerMall believes that not only the 50,000 people of Bologna, Italy that attended the funeral, or even the total population of Italy but the whole world felt a great loss at the passing of this great talent.

BOLOGNA, ITALY - LUCIO DALLA - IL FUNERALE  On the morning of 1 March 2012, three days before his 69th birthday, Dalla died from a heart attack. An estimated 50,000 people attended his funeral in Bologna.  With all respect, FlyerMall believes that not only the 50,000 people of Bologna, Italy that attended the funeral, or even the total population of Italy, but the whole world felt a great loss at the passing of this great talent. 

As I was watching the funeral of Lucio Dalla, I was able to recognize certain people with some of them happen to be movie stars. In one particular section of the funeral, apparently, a gentleman by the name of Vincent Schiavelli appears to be one of the visitors.

Upon further investigation, I realized that Vincent Schiavelli died in 2005. Therefore if this is accurate, who was this fellow at the funeral that looks exactly like Mr. Vincent Schiavell?

The section of the film that appears to be of the duration of one minute and 58 seconds, please look carefully to see if you can recognize this individual.

Should anyone out there be in a position to explain this identical resemblance, please write me a letter at

BOLOGNA, ITALY - LUCIO DALLA - IL FUNERALE  On the morning of 1 March 2012, three days before his 69th birthday, Dalla died from a heart attack. An estimated 50,000 people attended his funeral in Bologna.  With all respect, FlyerMall believes that not only the 50,000 people of Bologna, Italy that attended the funeral, or even the total population of Italy, but the whole world felt a great loss at the passing of this great talent.

Bologna, Italy, Funerale di Lucio Dalla 

Marco Alemanno legge Le rondini 

Piazza Grande 04-03-2012 .flv


Bologna, Italy in 80 mila per i funerali di Lucio Dalla

 I found this man's life story extraordinary since he was a producer, songwriter, composer, singer and any other name related to the music.  His life story has inspired me to spend times, effort focusing, cropping pictures; enhance the; position of them, write up a few things; and by the time I finish my whole job I thought that are millions out there who they don't really know what the name Lucio Dalla is all about.  If you are one of the people who know who Lucio Dalla is, then you don't have to take my recommendations.  But, if you don't know; or never heard of that name before then my effort to portray him to you is not going to waste because you may have heard his voice somewhere or one of his songs sung by someone else which in this case you probably agree with me that he was one of the greatest talents in the history of music;  You may agree with me in the statement that I make below that not only will he be missed from the people from his own town or even Italy in that matter but be missed from all over the world. SPYROS PETER GOUDAS

 Gianni Morandi e Samuele Bersani ricordano Lucio Dalla

Gianni Morandi e Samuele Bersani ricordano Lucio Dalla

Lucio Dalla, Grand Officer, 4 March 1943, Bologna, Italy -- 1 March 2012, Montreux, Switzerland) was a popular Italian singer-songwriter and musician.

He also played clarinet and keyboards.

Dalla was the composer of Caruso (1986), which has been covered by numerous international artists.

A version of Caruso sung by Luciano Pavarotti sold over 9 million copies, and another version was a track on Andrea Bocelli's first international album Romanza, which later sold over 16 million copies worldwide. This piece is also on Josh Groban's album "Closer",[2] which sold over 5 million copies in the United States alone.

The song is a tribute to the emblematic opera tenor Enrico Caruso. Maynard Ferguson also covered the song on his album "Brass Attitude", after having previously paid tribute to Caruso with his rendition of Vesti la giubba (titled as Pagliacci) on the album "Primal Scream" Dalla died in the morning of 1 March 2012, three days before his 69th birthday, right after having had breakfast.

His death was due to a heart attack. He was in Montreux (Switzerland) for his new tournée.

He performed as scheduled, the night before he died.

 I found this man's life story extraordinary since he was a producer, songwriter, composer, singer, and any other name related to the music.

 His life story has inspired me to spend time, effort focusing, cropping pictures; enhance the; the position of them, write up a few things; and by the time I finish my whole job I thought that are millions out there who they don't really know what the name Lucio Dalla is all about.

 If you are one of the people who know who Lucio Dalla is, then you don't have to take my recommendations.  But, if you don't know; or never heard of that name before then my effort to portray him to you is not going to waste because you may have heard his voice somewhere or one of his songs sung by someone else which in this case you probably agree with me that he was one of the greatest talents in the history of music;

You may agree with me in the statement that I make that not only will he be missed by the people from his own town Bologna, or even Italy in that matter, but be missing from all over the world.


I found this man's life story extraordinary since he was a producer, songwriter, composer, singer and any other name related to the music.  His life story has inspired me to spend times, effort focusing, cropping pictures; enhance the; position of them, write up a few things; and by the time I finish my whole job I thought that are millions out there who they don't really know what the name Lucio Dalla is all about.  If you are one of the people who know who Lucio Dalla is, then you don't have to take my recommendations.  But, if you don't know; or never heard of that name before then my effort to portray him to you is not going to waste because you may have heard his voice somewhere or one of his songs sung by someone else which in this case you probably agree with me that he was one of the greatest talents in the history of music;  You may agree with me in the statement that I make below that not only will he be missed from the people from his own town or even Italy in that matter but be missed from all over the world. SPYROS PETER GOUDAS


Do you have some time to read the Letters of Appreciation?
