phone: 647-521-5020


Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, as he was popularly known, was an important and influential statesman in Africa.
He is credited with leading Kenya to independence and setting up the country as a relatively prosperous capitalist state.
He pursued a moderate pro-Western, anti-Communist economic philosophy and foreign policy.

He oversaw a peaceful land reform process, oversaw the setting up of the institutions of independent Kenya, and also oversaw Kenya's admission into the United Nations.

Jomo Kenyatta: The Founding Father of Kenya 

Many institutions bear his name.

He upgraded the economic status of the country after independence.

But his reign faced dark shadows when three prominent politicians were assassinated.

Up to date he is accused of acquiring massive pieces of land.

He is Jomo Kenyatta, the first president of Kenya.

Members of Mau Mau are currently recognized by the Kenyan Government as freedom/independence heroes/heroines who sacrificed their lives in order to free Kenyans from colonial rule.

Since 2010, Mashujaa Day (Heroes Day) has been marked annually on 20 October.

According to the Kenyan Government, Mashujaa Day will be a time for Kenyans to remember and honor Mau Mau and other Kenyans who participated in the fight for African freedom and Kenya's independence.  

Mashujaa Day will replace Kenyatta Day; the latter has until now also been held on 20 October.

In 2001, the Kenyan government announced that important Mau Mau sites were to be turned into national monuments


Secret History - Mau Mau (1999) 



Produced by The Rank Organisation, a British entertainment conglomerate founded by industrialist J. Arthur Rank in April 1937.

The company name lasted until February 1996 when the name and some of the remaining assets were absorbed into the newly structured the Rank Group Plc.


Allegedly tortured at hands of colonial officials during 1950s


High court gives elderly Kenyans permission to claim damages 

Mau Mau 1

Much of the geographic and ethnic divisions currently seen in Kenya were established and encouraged during British colonialism.

The Kenyan people have sued the British government for human rights abuses committed by their forces.

Soldiers who had fought loyally for Britain during World War 2 came back to find white Britsh immigrants living on their fertile land while harassing local women.

There is so much to read on the links provided, please take the time to digest the information.

Al Shabaab and the Rise of Jihad in Kenya

A series of bloody attacks has rocked Kenya since the September 2013 Westgate mall massacre in Nairobi that left 67 people dead.


THE INSIDE STORY; Wolves at Westgate

Curiously, some recent victims in these attacks have been Muslim sheiks that were associated with al Shabaab, the jihadi group that took credit for the deadly Westgate attack.

Even more curiously, all of the high-profile sheik murders have taken place in the same area in Mombasa, Kenya's second largest city.


No Sex For Fish | TakePart World

Trading sex for fish has been a common problem in the Lake Victoria region of Kenya.

KTN journalists caught on camera.

In the video that follows you will see certain things about a few things!

How do you like the above statement?  I just thought about it and I officially register it as my own.

Today is January 1, 2015, New Year's Day.

My name is Spyros Peter Goudas.  As you may know, I have been in the multicultural food business for many years.

While going through severe personal struggles

I stand behind the creation and development of 1250  international food products, without not even one single A1 Food recall from the (CFIA) Canadian Food Inspection Agency in the course of 45 years, in addition to 98% score from WALMART in quality control

wrote approximately 500 recipes reflecting many cultures and nationalities, and have a series of insightful and interesting books.   

I support to the best of my ability many worthy causes which you may view in the Letters of Appreciation Section.

New Year's day is usually quiet and I take this opportunity to always write something about something. For example, the books titled New Year's Resolution (2006), The Mango Tree (2012).

I recall that when I was ten years old in Kalamaki, Athens, Greece, I heard the word, Mau Mau.
Being a kid, my friends and I thought it was some African tribe.

Remember at that time there was no internet, no telex nor fax machines and our imagination ran wild at the sound of the word.

Today, since early morning I used modern technology to investigate the word Mau Mau and discovered that it was associated with the country of Kenya.

I always like the word Kenya but never took the time to explore the nation. Therefore, the words Mau Mau, Kenya, and Mzee Joma Kenyatta are all associated and interlinked with each other.

I was reading for hours and hours and I found things very, very interesting and became aware of facts that I never knew and felt that I should share them with you.

I found links on the internet which I believe are important to anyone who wants to explore this beautiful African country.

I thought it would be a good idea to summarize in a few words everything about Kenya but I have left this to the professionals, their combined stories are beyond imagination.   

The link below was inserted to give some flavor to my article.

I always like to insert some humor into my writings.

The photo below reflects a few seconds of the above video.  

Did you notice the expression of satisfaction on her face after swallowing a spoonful of rice on camera.
We have been from informed from reliable sources that the brand of rice was Goudas Rice.

If you missed it on the video above, then click the video below and focus!

Mau Mau songs at Dedan Kimaathi Monument

Dedan Kimathi Waciuri (October 31, 1920 - February 18, 1957) was a Kenyan rebel leader who fought against British colonization in Kenya in the 1950s.

NAIROBI GIRLS CHORALE performing a 'Luo Folk Song' on THE KWAYA

KENYA UNITED CHORISTERS performing a 'Kamba Folk Song' on THE KWAYA

Kenyan Gospel Music by PAUL MWAI Song - .RACING UP


Kenya: Democracy on trial?

In this episode of Head to Head, Mehdi Hasan challenges former Prime Minister Raila Odinga on the state of Kenya's "tribal" democracy, political violence, impunity and corruption, and the rise of al-Shabab.

In this episode of Head to Head, Mehdi Hasan challenges former Prime Minister Raila Odinga on the state of Kenya's 

Inside Kenya's Death Squads



Ramadan in Kenya

An intimate look at the holy month of Ramadan through the eyes of Muslims living in a predominantly Christian country.

Muslims have lived in Kenya for centuries and today make up about 11 percent of the country's population. These communities live on the coast in cities like Mombasa - where nearly half of the city's inhabitants are Muslim - and in the country's northeast. 

My Life Changing Experience in Kenya - Help Me Send Girls To School

Hi! My name is Lilly and I make funny videos every Monday and Thursday. I rant, create sketches and sometimes even dress up as my parents! Most importantly, I smile a lot and want to make you feel happy.



Dj Smiles Kenya Kikuyu Worship Mix

The next video is a combination of many gospel songs.

Some of them have a Jamaican-reggae-style rhythm.

Enjoy this part of Kenyan culture.

 The video is long.


Never Before Seen Video: Obama Whines About White Privilege

Never Before Seen Video: Obama Whines About White Privilege FLYERMALL 

Africa True Story China's Racism in Kenya

Thank you for watching my 2015 New Year's Day dedication to Kenya, Africa.

I educated myself immensely today.  It was a wonderful experience.

I remember that I wrote in my mango book that years and years ago when I was developing my Mango Puree product, it was produced in Kenya.

However, I mentioned in my book I that the Kenyan mango was a bit too sour for this product.

Of course, Kenya was in development stages at that time, but lately, some of the mango varieties from Kenya are equivalent to my expectations with respect to quality, taste, and appearance.

Mango book I remember that I wrote in my mango book that years and years ago when I was developing my Mango Puree product, it was produced in Kenya.  However, I mentioned within my book I that the Kenyan mango was a bit too sour for this product.   Of course, Kenya was in development stages at that time, but lately, some of the mango varieties from Kenya are equivalent to my expectations with respect to quality, taste and appearance.


Spyros Peter Goudas


P.S.  I was just about to close this article when the word fu-fu popped into my head.

This forced me to recall a couple of articles I wrote with respect to Africa as a continent.  

One is titled:  African Food Safari, which is a booklet related to some of  Africa's ethnic dishes.

The other is an article, titled:  A Trip to Ghana in Africa.

Additionally, I have included a link in the FlyerMall Tubes area called Born Free.  

This film shot in the northern province of Kenya is a wonderful story, the film is well known around the world and showcase the jungle and a wide range of animals native to the African continent.

Unfortunately, sometimes on YouTubes the links are changed or broken.  
However, should you be able to rent or download the movie you will be captivated?

Who knows, maybe a trip to Kenya may be on the agenda.

Happy and Healthy New Year - 2015 Greetings to everyone, everywhere!

Spyros Peter Goudas


The Born Free Legacy (2010)


100 Things to do in Kenya

If you want an adventure packed experience, then you have every reason to visit Kenya.

With an unmatched wealth of game and over forty different cultures, Kenya will spoil you with an array of choices.

Talk of enjoying sunny weather throughout the year while exploring the country’s natural beauty, having a chance to run along some of the world’s greatest athletes and interacting with the friendly locals, among many other things.

Coupled with the fact that it is one of the most affordable tourist destinations and you have the perfect destination.